Sony ad Suggests Batman: Arkham City and Limbo are Going Free on PlayStation Plus in North America Fingers crossed.
Apparently Leaked Dark Souls 2 Trailer Confirms it’s Coming to PlayStation 3 (Update: It’s Real) No mention of PS4.
The Persistent Troll of MGSV: Too Early To Rule Out David Hayter Why do we keep embroiling ourselves in Kojima's antics?
Sony Applies for ‘Destiny of Spirits’ Trademark It is your destiny. Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son.
inFamous: Second Son Listed on Resume as “PS4 Launch Title, to Ship 4Q 2013” (Update) This would be awesome.
Final Fantasy X HD on PlayStation 3 May Come With Final Fantasy X-2, According to Shonen Jump Bring the Paine.
God of War: Ascension May Release on the PlayStation Network After All, Possibly as Early as Next Week But how much space would it take up?
Possible Battlefield 4 Announcement at GDC Teased This is all well and good, but what about Bad Company 3?!
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Release Date Apparently Leaked, “Coming to Next-Gen Consoles” Assassin's Creed IV on PS4? Didn't see that coming.
Could Gran Turismo 6 Be Coming To The PS3 This Year? Can Drive Club and Gran Turismo share the track?
Actually, We Still Don’t Know Everything About PS4 And Used Games We got one sentence of hard detail. There could be a lot more that we don't know.
Rumor: Trophies Leak for New Dishonored DLC “The Other Side of the Coin” Let's hope this story has a low chaos ending.