Sony Still “Hasn’t Decided” on Project Morpheus Release Date Yoshida also explains why they didn't focus on the Morpheus at its press conference.
SuperHyperCube is a Project Morpheus Exclusive at Launch in 2016 The game itself is a first-person puzzler.
Yoshida “Slightly Concerned” Initially Due to Microsoft Not Working on VR Publicly Yoshida now happy that "everyone" is working for the advancement of the tech.
Take Control of a Toddler God in Godling, Coming to Project Morpheus Check out the announcement trailer.
Sony Bringing Close to 20 VR Games to E3 2015, Including an Unannounced Guerrilla Games Title Morpheus will be 'several hundreds of dollars' and 30+ games are being developed right now.
Bad Gamers: Ep 124 – E3 2015 Project Morpheus and Third Party VR Support (Part 2) Virtual Reality is around the corner.
Report: Sony E3 2015 Press Conference to Have a “Big Push” for Project Morpheus "Around half" of Sony's E3 booth said to be dedicated to the VR headset.
Project Morpheus Has “Massive Amounts of Support,” Won’t Turn Out Like PlayStation Move The future of PlayStation Move also briefly discussed.