The Clickbait Podcast Ep. 12 – Will PSN Ever Be Better Than XBL? Gamers made PS4 a success. So why is our online experience still lacking?
PSN Down Reports Coming in on PS4, Sony Says It’s Back Online (Update) Seems to be fairly widespread.
Sony Promises PlayStation Plus Membership Extension Following Yesterday’s PSN Downtime Shuhei Yoshida apologizes for the downtime.
PSN Down in Some Areas, Sony Aware of Connectivity Issues (Update 2) Not sure if it's really undergoing maintenance...
PSN Down Reports on PS4 Coming in, Activision Says It’s “Experiencing Connectivity Issues” (Update) Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is at Defcon 4.
Sony Aware of PSN Issues on PS4 & PS3: “You May Have Some Difficulty Launching Games” It's affecting "Other" platforms as well.
PSN Down Reports for PS4 Popping up Online, Sony Says “Some Services Experiencing Issues” (Update) "Error WS-37504-9" for some.
PSN Down on PS4 & PS3, Sony Confirms (Update) Bungie is aware of the issues impacting Destiny as well.