Home: A Unique Horror Adventure E3 Hands-On Preview – Home is Where the Horror Is (Vita) Home is where the horror is.
Rogue Legacy E3 Hands-On Preview: Game of a Billion Deaths (Vita) Die once, die twice, die some more!
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel E3 2014 Hands-On Preview: This Moon Landing Wasn’t Faked (PS3) Before the sequel; before the review; there was the pre-sequel preview.
Assassin’s Creed: Unity E3 2014 Gameplay Preview: The Pillars of the Creed (PS4) Prepare for beheading... via guillotine!
Far Cry 4 Hands-On E3 2014 Preview: Them Powerful Pachyderms (PS4) Is it wrong to be sad when my elephant dies?
The Division E3 2014 Gameplay Preview: It’s the Little Details (PS4) Post-pandemic New York is stunningly beautiful and detailed in it's post-pandemic gloominess.