HD collections have become all the rage in the video game industry. It’s an easy cash and grab tactic for…
While the initial announcement of the subscription-based Call of Duty: Elite may have been met with mixed reaction, the general…
Once consoles became connected to the internet, they allowed for developers to further support their games with patches, DLC, and…
There is one crucial rule for self preservation if you are a member of Anonymous: stay anonymous. In Spain, three…
Insomniac Games has announced that their first PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 game will finally be unveiled during this year’s…
A package of free games and PlayStation Plus membership – which Sony decided to give PlayStation Network users for free…
Arguably the best new franchise of this generation, Uncharted blew people away with Drake’s Fortune, amazed them with Among Thieves…
Although it’s obvious that the major console manufactures, including Sony, start work on another console as soon as one is…
Due to the PlayStation Store’s outage, gamers cannot redeem online passes for games which require you to do so. However,…
After over one year of not hearing a single word on Rockstar’s PlayStation 3 exclusive, Agent, countless gamers were worried…
Over the past few years, E3 press conferences have evolved, increasingly ditching dry sales talks that only an investor would…
Fans of Monster Hunter Portable may want to grab a hold of something sturdy for this particular piece of news.…
Wouldn't it be better if the PlayStation Move could be used on the move?
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