E3 2020 Still Happening Despite Coronavirus Concerns, but the ESA is ‘Monitoring the Situation’ Los Angeles just declared a state of emergency.
Daily Reaction: Geoff Keighley Skipping E3 is a Bigger Deal Than You Think His not being "comfortable" with the direction the show is going is telling.
After Promises of Better Digital Security, E3 2020’s Exhibitor List Has Leaked The list will continue to be updated.
Geoff Keighley Will Skip E3 2020, Doesn’t ‘Feel Comfortable Participating This Year’ He will support the industry at other events.
The ESA Has Partnered With iam8bit and Other ‘New Creative Partners’ to ‘Shake Things Up’ at E3 2020 Will this be enough to bring the show back on track?
Daily Reaction: The Empty ESA Statement to Sony Not Attending E3 2020 Using marketing terms like "activations" in public-facing announcements...
Sony is Not Attending E3 2020, Will Hold ‘Hundreds of Consumer Events’ to Show off PS4 and PS5 Titles The company is focusing on its fans and community this year.
E3 Organizer Accidentally Leaks Personal Details of Over 2,000 Journalists, Video Producers, and Analysts ESA offered regrets.
Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars Features a Smart Blend of Card-Based Mechanics and Strategy Elements— E3 2019 Preview Vampire Wars will feature a deep mashup of cards and strategy RPG elements.
Daily Reaction: Two Weeks Later, Our E3 2019 Report Card Who won this year's show? Is the expo still relevant?
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is Unbelievably Ambitious Play whichever Star Wars episode your heart desires.
E3 2019 Game Critics Awards Winners Has a Rather Predictable ‘Best of Show’ Winner Along with a number of other heavy hitters like Doom Eternal and Watch Dogs: Legion.