Street Fighter X Tekken To Showdown at E3 The staff at PSLS is counting down the days until E3. Evidently we aren’t the only ones; Yoshinori Ono, Producer…
Starhawk Single-Player to last 5 to 8 hours Starhawk, Lightbox Interactive’s spiritual follow-up to the popular online only title Warhawk, will feature a single-player crusade that should last somewhere…
View Silent Hill: Downpour in the Flesh With E3 Gameplay Trailer It’s been almost three years since the terrifying Silent Hill series last graced the PlayStation platform. We’ve seen some successful…
Guess The NGP’s Name, Win A Prize With E3 right around the corner, it’s time for everyone to start predicting what we’ll see, who will shock us,…
Pachter: E3 2011 Could Be The Best Yet E3 2011 is mere weeks away now, and the entire industry is ramping up in preparation for the big show.…
Sony Ericsson to Make Some “Pretty Big Announcements At E3” Having both your mobile and your PlayStation handheld combined into one sounds like one of the greatest ideas ever, and…
E3 2011 Show Floor Plan in Detail It’s that wonderful time of the year again – less than one month until the annual Superbowl of videogame industry…
Big Three To Attend Retail Meeting The puppy you see above is very important and definitely related to the news we are about to share with…