Latest Borderlands 3 Hotfix Makes Quality-of-Life Adjustments to Bloody Harvest Event Chances of Captain Haunt dropping legendary gear have increased.
49% of U.S. Gamers Spent Money on Microtransactions in September 2019, In-Game Spending Down Fewer players are spending money on in-game purchases.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Update Nerfs 725 Shotgun and Claymores, Fixes Footstep Audio The 725 Shotgun has gotten a much-needed nerf.
Ubisoft Begins Improvement Effort With Ghost Recon: Breakpoint November Update, Player Survey The first of two title updates goes live next week.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Gets Two New Free Maps and a New (Classic) Game Mode Tomorrow Let's keep our fingers crossed for the return of old classic maps.
New Days Gone Patch Places Death Stranding’s BB Inside Deacon’s Gas Tank BB is going to survive every version of the world's end.
Beat Saber Getting Six Songs and Special Stage from Rocket League Finally, something Rocket League related I can be good at.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Resident Evil Event Live Today, Horizon Zero Dawn Crossover Event Later This Month Snow zombies.
Upcoming Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Update Boasts Numerous Changes and Bug Fixes Capcom has released the patch notes online.
Hitman 2’s November Roadmap is Packed With Content to Celebrate 1 Year Anniversary The new content will begin rolling out tomorrow.
The Neon Circus Grand Prix Headed to Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled This Week You'll get a new track, game mode, characters, and karts.
Rocket League Blueprints and Player-To-Player Trading Detailed by Psyonix You'll now know exactly what items you can build.
PlayStation Store Update Worldwide – November 5, 2019 Come see what's new in the PlayStation Store Update Worldwide