Far Cry 3 Deluxe Bundle DLC Out Now, Costs you $10 Didn't pre-order the game? Here's your chance to get all that bonus content.
PSLSSA: Nuketown Zombies Now Available for Season Pass Owners of Black Ops II PSLSSA: PlayStation LifeStyle Service Announcement
Kat and Emmett Enter the PlayStation All-Stars Fight on February 12th, Will be Free for Two Weeks WipEout/Heavenly Sword mash-up stage also coming in February.
New Info on PlayStation All-Stars DLC and Patch Coming Tomorrow Info on new DLC, or new info on DLC we know about?
Pre-order The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct at GameStop, Get Exclusive ‘Herd Mode’ DLC and a Walker Ear Keychain Will you survive the herd?
Borderlands 2 Offering Special In-Game Events This Weekend I bet they're not debating gun control on Pandora.
Activision Finally Confirms Revolution DLC for Black Ops II, Video Shows off Everything Are you ready to play as a zombie?
Borderlands 2 Expansion Pack Featuring Captain Scarlett and Mister Torgue Rated by the ACB Doesn't include Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt.
LittleBigPlanet PS Vita Updated to Version 1.06, Improves Community Performance Runs as smoother as butter?
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