Will you embrace your calling… or pass into oblivion unsung?
There's a Golden Nioh Armor waiting for you in celebration.
The "drops" are due to motion blur being turned off.
However, she'll play a part in the story of the character.
It's also available as part of the Season Pass.
Looks like the download is at least 5.4GB.
Playing in Live Fire this weekend nets you Double XP.
The 50% boost lasts for a week.
Emblem editor pushed to March.
EA updated more than 1200 2D Player images.
Each week Sony brings PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more.…
Lots of fixes included.
PS4 Pro support, Player’s Choice Crate Series 1, and more await.
Adds the Homestead DLC.