Ubisoft's looking at adding a penalty to rage-quitters.
It's only 230MB.
The free Trial lets you play for 2-4 hours.
The March 2017 PS+ titles go live on Tuesday.
No word on when it will come to other platforms.
Their long-term plans for The Division remain unaffected.
Another massive update this summer will see you taking on the craziest militias.
Official trailer features some gameplay.
The day one patch will address feedback from the beta tests.
Old saves won't work with the new update.
Other issues will be fixed in a future patch.
Season 4 of Competitive Play has begun.
Each week Sony brings PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more.…
"New data. New research. New surprises for your favorites" today.