BioWare outlines what to expect over the next two months.
All stats have been reset.
You can vote on the next Ranked game mode.
Other free day one DLC includes the Merciless difficulty level.
Persona 5 finally comes West, Drawn to Death launches as a PS+ title, and more.
Persona 5! Dragon Quest Heroes 2! Yooka-Laylee! PaRappa the Rapper Remastered!
"But rest assured that The Crew has only just begun."
Disables Map-Specific Loading Screens as well.
Watch the Episode Prompto teaser.
They want to keep spoilers to a minimum.
Collector's Edition is $250.
Knuckles of Eao can now be transferred between characters.
Everyone's getting compensated for the recent outage.
It should go live before 12pm PT.