Awesome updates.
Start downloading!
Next update already in the works.
Season 4 comes out in November.
And pre-ordering Wolfenstein II gets you a bonus mission introducing the new characters.
Uncharted! Life is Strange! Agents of Mayhem! LawBreakers! Madden! Hellblade!
New videos show off Survival and Altar of Flame.
Square Enix details what's in both the beta and full versions.
Can't beat that price!
Each week Sony brings PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more.
Along with new Calling Cards, Camos, Weapon Accessories, and Gestures.
33 players are being added.
Adds a free Glide map, skin pack support, and more.
It's around 2.2GB on PS4.