The Assassin's Festival will run until next year.
Racing is getting updated this fall, and you can expect holiday celebrations after.
Only down for three hours.
This isn't a very large patch.
It's one of the most requested features of all-time.
It'll take place on two weekends.
Season Pass owners get instant access to the Atlas (LMG) and Raijin-EMX (SMG).
Expect to download more than 8GB on PS4.
Yes, that Hellboy.
Each week Sony brings PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more.
We've also got details on the game's various editions.
Get ready for Postcards From the Frontier.
It's over 2GB in size.
Get an overview of the map and watch a new trailer about Junkertown.