Dynasty Warriors 9 Gets a New Title Update Patch to Version 1.09 The weapon DLC pack is also out today.
Star Wars Battlefront II Han Solo Season Patch Notes Are Here, Extensive Changes to the Game The galaxy's most roguish hero.
Destiny 2 Hotfix Fixes Frame Rate Issue, Re-Enables Rat King Exotic You can now interact with your characters in third-party apps again.
New DLC Outfits, Stages, Towers, and a Danganronpa Collab are Coming to PixelJunk Monsters 2 Can't wait to see Monokuma turn extra crazy here!
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax Characters are Dancing Their Way to the Stage for P3D and P5D A robot made to kill her sisters and a genocidal maniac. Let the dance-off begin!
Digital Extremes Unleashes the Beasts Together with Its New Team Survival Mode This will be a really fun update! Unleash the Beast!
Attack on Titan 2 Gets a New Decisive Battle Mode With the Latest Update Patch Time to settle things once and for all!
Watch Dynasty Warriors 9’s Xu Shu Using His Original Sword Again in This DLC Trailer It's finally coming back!
PlayStation Store Global Update – May 8, 2018 Each week Sony brings PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more.…
Destiny 2 Update 1.2.0 Patch Notes Detail New Content, Exotic Updates, and a Massive Shift to Bungie’s Game Exotic weapon tuning, Crucible ranks, Warmind, and Season 3 content!
New TERA Update Lets Players Fight Using Tanks and Airships Here's to hoping they won't do a 100-player battle royale though!