THQ has announced a promotion where Darksiders II US community members can earn rewards, called the “Summer of Death.”
Last Tuesday at E3, I had the pleasure of meeting MonkeyPaw Games President John Greiner. MonkeyPaw is bringing over a…
First Tony Hawk, then Guitar Hero, now… Call of Duty?! It looks like the infamous Activision developer Neversoft will be…
THQ has revealed that they have the exclusive rights to the WWE video game license through 2017.
Those of you looking forward to reliving the early days of Ratchet and his trusty sidekick Clank have a lot…
EA has explained why Insomniac Games’ first multiplatform project, Overstrike for PS3 and Xbox 360, missed E3 2012.
There’s been talk of Jenova Chen and his team at thatgamecompany going multi-platform following their three-game partnership with Sony, and,…
David Jaffe, the Twisted Metal and God of War creator formerly of Eat Sleep Play, is known to run his…
If you’re a fan of Playdead’s black and white side-scroller LIMBO, listen up, as details on their latest title, codenamed…
If you’ve seen any of the footage of Crystal Dynamic’s upcoming reboot of Tomb Raider, then you’re well aware of…
After a couple of spinoffs that left many feeling tired of the Assassin’s Creed franchise, the third proper installment looks to…
Jason Rubin, formerly of Naughty Dog and now the president of THQ, is clearly looking to mix things up now…
Those familiar with the Assassin’s Creed franchise will likely agree that the past couple of games haven’t really aided in…
Crytek has heard your cries, but despite there being a loyal fanbase, studio head Cevat Yerli has made it clear that…