Namco Bandai has announced that a collector’s edition of upcoming RPG Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch will…
Quality over quantity appears to be the mantra over at United Front Games, the team currently hard at work on…
Beloved action game developer PlatinumGames recently spoke to the current state of the Japanese and Western video game markets, noting…
Dave Cox, Konami’s production head is coming clean, admitting that the DLC for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow was poorly planned and rushed…
Tecmo Koei has announced two fighters for the roster of Dead or Alive 5, in addition to a stage and…
Ubisoft has announced that they’ll be releasing a video game based on the upcoming film, The Expendables 2.
The team that created the Prototype franchise, Radical Entertainment, is facing “significant” layoffs today that mean that the developer will…
Konami announced earlier today that a number of their titles will be playable at gamescom this August.
If you’ve seen the jaw-dropping E3 tech demo from Square’s Luminous Studio, then it should come as no surprise to you…
Arkane Studios knocked everyone’s socks off at E3 with a mind-blowing demo of their upcoming first-person action game Dishonored. Fortunately…
Sega is currently in the process of some serious restructuring, as the publisher has just announced that they will be…
The Last of Us will not exclusively be a single-player experience, as game developer Naughty Dog has confirmed that the…
Capcom has announced that Noisia and Combichrist have composed music for DmC Devil May Cry.
Ian Livingstone, president at Eidos, recently spoke out on the controversy surrounding the alleged sexual undercurrents in Tomb Raider, claiming that…