FFVII Producer Sakaguchi Might Be Working on His Last Story The famous Hironobu Sakaguchi has been quite possibly one of the most important game developers for the past two decades.…
Namco Wants You to Select PSone games for the PSN Bandai Namco is now open to suggestion in regards to which Classic PlayStation One games their fans want to be…
Ubisoft: Assassin’s Creed in A League of Its Own Ubisoft has declared via their latest Q1 figures that their third installment of their renowned franchise will have a clear…
Medal of Honor Limited Edition Announced, Trailer Impresses Electronic Arts has emphasized they want to take back the shooter genre with Medal of Honor. So, what does a…
Hulst: Killzone 3 Helgast similar to Nazi Mentality With a pro-human military, industry and corruption controlling the planets politics, many impoverished Helghans began to blame Humanity and the…
PlayStation Store Global Update 07/13/10 Each week Sony brings PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more. PlayStation LifeStyle catalogs the…
SEGA to Reveal Two Major Titles While SEGA may have not announced anything major during E3 – although showing off a slew of their forthcoming games…
Kane & Lynch 2 Letting The Dogs Out a Little Earlier Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days was currently scheduled for an August 24th release in North America and a August…
Gran Turismo 5 Could Have Become PS4 Title Polyphony Digital has reiterated on several occasions that Gran Turismo 5 is so big in terms of depth and quality,…
inFamous 2 Visuals On Par With Uncharted 2 Naughty Dog’s Uncharted 2 was and still is hailed for its magnificent graphical attributes which really showcased the PlayStation 3’s…
DJ Hero 2 Details: Two Turntables and a Microphone Activision has achieved great success in the music and rhythm game genre with Guitar Hero alone. This prompted them to…
Developer Punchers Impact Bringing Lucha Libre to the PSN The French game developer Punchers Impact today unveiled Lucha Fury, the first beat ’em-up game combining the worlds of comics…
Max Payne Not Shooting People Up This Year? Max Payne 3 has been on Rockstar/Take-Two’s agenda for a long while now. Last December it was pushed back to…
Yakuza 4 Bringing Crime to the Western Hemisphere SEGA had still not decided whether to give Yakuza 3 a release outside of Japan until only a few months…