Each week Sony brings PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more. PlayStation LifeStyle catalogs the…
If you haven’t heard by now, Capcom doesn’t plan to make an effort to reach out further towards those interested…
Telltale Games' take on Back to the Future series really looks to be shaping up well. The stills have looked…
The Kane & Lynch franchise had a rather negative reception when it launched back in 2007, and the sequel only…
While the PlayStation LifeStyle crew loved Dead Nation in our review, it was mentioned that the online co-op didn't have…
While racing simulation hasn’t been a genre watered down by dozens of franchises, a new contender recently entered the ring.…
Following trend with the other cool kids on the playground yard, Curve Studios have sent out word that Explodemon will not…
Are you a fan on dancing around strange towers or swinging from threads? What about racing or saving scientists in…
If you’re a PlayStation 3 owner and currently reside in Europe, it might be wise to start saving your cash…
Whoever said that game developers can’t be giving to gamers in need this holiday season, and particularly those who may…
I know I’ve said it before, and maybe some of you have too. There is just so many games to…
The announcement of Twisted Metal coming to the PlayStation 3 was arguably the most exciting announcement at this year’s E3.…
Gearbox’s Borderlands has celebrated a great year of entertaining its fans in the chaotic world of Pandora. With four expansion…
BioWare has reassured PS3 owners that Mass Effect 2 won’t see any graphical downgrades of the RPG as well as…