The VOTE: Are Launch Day Issues and Day One Patches Acceptable? Is the promise of a fix a fair practice in order to meet a game's release window?
The Clickbait Podcast Ep. 12 – Will PSN Ever Be Better Than XBL? Gamers made PS4 a success. So why is our online experience still lacking?
The VOTE: Can Bungie’s Plan for Destiny Bring You Back? Will Bungie's shooter ever drag you in again?
Game of the Month with Community Votes – January 2016 Witness the Amplitude of Tanks in the LEGO Banner War.
The VOTE: Digital Games or Physical Media? How do you like your games? On disc or in pure ones and zeroes?
The Clickbait Podcast Ep. 11 – Why the Division Will Fix What Destiny Broke ...but I really wanted to talk about The Witness.
The VOTE: Are You Playing the Witness and Do You Like It? Answering this question is far more simple than most of The Witness' puzzles.
The VOTE: Still Excited For The Division Despite Its Long Development Time? Has it deflated your interest or built the hype?
The Clickbait Podcast Ep. 10 – Why I’m Paying $914 for Oculus Rift and Not PSVR We're Canadian! What do we know?
The VOTE: How Much Would You Pay for PlayStation VR? The VOTE allows you, the PSLS community, to cast your vote and determine once and for all which choice is…
The VOTE: Did Gaming in 2015 Meet Your Expectations, and Are You Excited for 2016? Did the good outweigh the bad, or the other way around?
The VOTE: Are You Giving or Getting PlayStation or Video Games This Holiday? My answer is a resounding yes. How about yours?
The VOTE: Will You Support Konami and Metal Gear Without Hideo Kojima? Can Konami still make worthwhile Metal Gear games?
The Clickbait Podcast Ep. 09 – PSX 2015 and FFVII: What Have They Done to You? The name may be Clickbait, but the content is not.