Fight back the Zombie Horde with the Dead Rising 2 ‘Zombrex’ Edition If you can look post the fact that the original Dead Rising never hit the PS3 and that we're going…
Ubisoft: 3D Sales to Take Off in 2011 UbiSoft predicts that 2011 will be the year of 3D. Are you ready?
Console Dragon Age 2 Once Again to be Different from PC Version Many gamers complained about the difference between the PC and Console versions of Dragon Age 1. Get ready to complain…
Killzone 3 to Receive 4-Player Co-Op Mission Based Mode Killzone 3 will feature not one but TWO co-op modes! The standard 2-player AND a 4-player co-op modes! YES!!
Sony India: PS Move Launch Titles Aimed at the Family The PlayStation Move, the newest 'platform' of gaming on the PS3 launches this September 15th in Europe, September 19 in…
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Gets Tactical When Star Wars: The Force Unleashed landed in 2008, it quickly became one of the best selling Star Wars games…
Sony Outlines PlayStation Move Japan Launch 'This Changes Everything' was Sony's slogan at this year's E3. From the 40-foot tall Kevin Butler poster standing tall outside…
Sega Denies Access to Alpha Protocol 2 Sega and Obisidian Entertainment's Alpha Protocol hit many, many bumps on the road its way to release. The game was…
Call of Duty Claims Half a Million Victims in Japan To celebrate this milestone in Japanese gaming, Sqaure Enix plans to issue a re-release on September 2, as Modern Warfare…
Sony Casts Final Judgement on Eye of Judgement Servers A Sony Europe rep. let it be known on the Official PlayStation Europe forums that the Eye of Judgement servers…
David Cage ‘Disappointed’ Over Heavy Rain Chronicles Cancelation If you missed it during the craze that was known as E3 2010, it was revealed by Guillame de Fondaumière…
Insomniac Games Supports A Ratchet and Clank Collection On the PS3 If Sony has plans to release all four Ratchet and Clanks in a HD Collection, Insomniac Games has given them…
PSN Could Be Taking a Trip To Sega’s Saturn Will the PSN be making a trip to Sega' Saturn in the near future?! Let's hope so!