Ustream App Coming to the PlayStation 3, Won’t Have Same Sharing Options as on PS4 So you'll be able to watch other people play PS4, and cry because you can't afford one.
Leaked Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Screens Show Kenway Having a Whale of a Time She's leaking too fast Captain!
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Trailer Leaks, Shows Pirates, Blackbeard, New Protagonist ‘Kenway’ Can you spot the 'booty'?
AMD Talks PS4: “It is by Far The Most Powerful APU we Have Built to Date”, “We Have Not Built an APU Quite Like That For Anyone Else” Hype train just got faster.
THQ to Auction Off Darksiders, Red Faction, MX vs. ATV, Homeworld, uDraw, and Remaining IP Come on Sony, you know you want to.
EA PS4 Meeting Recap: Between 8-10x Power, 1080p, 60FPS, “Unprecedented” Gameplay, Games Shown Before E3 No Mirror's Edge 2 mentioned.