Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot Thinks PS4/Xbox One Gen Should Last 5 Years So that's just about enough time for 8 Assassin's Creeds.
Mark Cerny: PS4 Architecture and Indie Focus Could “Fundamentally Alter the Landscape of Gaming” It's a Cerny.
Kojima Doesn’t Think MGSV Will be Able to Beat GTA V’s “Free Control”, Depresses Him, “Rockstar’s Team are the Best” Make it about 3 Snakes.
Insomniac “Proud of A4O and FFA”, Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus to Return to Series’ Roots, No Multiplayer, “Not as Long as ACIT”, But has a “Ton of Variety” Ratcheting up the clank.
Sony Teases ‘When Worlds Collide’ Again: Insomniac Games, “Heroes Return”, Ratchet & Clank? Collision course.
Not-Exactly-F2P SingStar Gains 1.5 Million Players, Some People Have Bought 1,000 Songs I don't understand people.
Killzone: Shadow Fall Actors Include Homeland’s David Harewood, True Blood’s Jamie Gray Hyder I hate Estes.
Bad Gamers: Ep 39 – Uncharted 4’s New Setting, Kratos’ Awful TV Show and PSLS’ Sexy T-Shirts Listen in for Velocity Ultra game codes.