Developed by Firemint, Flight Control began as a highly popular iPhone game, later moving onto the iPad, and now the…
The PlayStation Move, Sony's entry to the motion controller market could mean big money for the company as it potentially…
Sonic Adventure was a standout game on the Dreamcast when it first launched in 1999, and now they've brought the…
During Sony's Tokyo Game Show Press Conference, the platform holder announced that the PS3 would be receiving a new firmware…
The entirety of Sony’s multinational corporation is very intent on pushing 3D, and the PS3 plays a vital role in…
With the Tokyo Game Show just around the corner information about the latest games are bound to leak out, as…
The hype train has been steadily building for Sony's super-precise motion controller, the PlayStation Move, as the gaming giant brings…
The Top Gun movie helped define the late 1980's, with the blockbuster hit becoming an instant classic. With Top Gun…
3D gaming is the future, with Sony pushing the extra dimension on the PlayStation 3, bringing 3D Photo Support, 3D…
Yesterday, MusterBuster, SCEE's community manager, revealed his "huge announcement" - PlayStation Beta Rooms, an event where the PlayStation community could…
At this year’s EA Studio Showcase, the publisher has promised to announce seven new games, which are “whimsical to strategic,…
This year's Studio Showcase from EA looks to be quite an exciting event. During the annual event the publisher will…
At this year's Develop Conference in Brighton, UK Culture Minister Ed Vaizey held a keynote to try and explain why…
Medal of Honor used to dominate the First Person Shooter market, but has recently fallen out of the limelight, with…