PayDay 2 Devs Aren’t Worried About GTA and Hardline Popularity "We have our community and we know what they want"
Another Bloodborne Glitch Can Give You Unlimited Blood Echoes Just run around a table a bunch of times.
Hideo Kojima’s Name Replaced on at Least One Metal Gear Solid Game His name can be found on the Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection product page.
Dragon Quest Heroes 2 is Currently in Development for PS4, PS3, and PS Vita Probably isn't an April Fool's Joke?
Mortal Kombat X DLC Characters Can Be Tried Out Without Having to Purchase Them Try them out in the Living Towers mode.
Legend of Kay Anniversary Coming to PS4, Wii U, and PC in May Will feature updated visuals and a new UI!
Final Fantasy XV Could Possibly Feature Female Guest Party Characters, Says Tabata The males' behaviors could change if a female is in the party.
Bloodborne Notes Can Apparently Save Your Life in More Ways Than One They can restore your entire health bar!
Final Fantasy XIV Update 2.55 Out Today, Prepares Players for Heavensward New quests and story elements.
Mortal Kombat X Creator Ed Boon Discusses His Views on MKX Violence Also find out how those gross sound effects are made!
Grand Theft Auto Patch 1.09 Seemingly Improves PS4 Performance, but Downgrades Graphics Frame-rates are much better, though!