Wolfenstein: The Old Blood Allows Players to Use Metal Pipe for Climbing, Killing, and More Player will be able to dual-wield the pipe.
ESA Report Shows Digital Games Being Purchased More Than Physical Ones Also, find out which game genre is the most popular!
Destiny Update 1.1.2 Reveals House of Wolves Info, Contains Awesome Audio Easter Egg There's a sleek jukebox hidden somewhere!
Nobunaga’s Ambition: Souzou Might Be Hitting Western PS4 Consoles Will be called Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of Influence.
Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse Coming to PS4, Amazon Listing Confirms It might be coming in June?
Hideo Kojima Not Actually Fired From Konami, Metal Gear Solid Voice Actor Now Says "Konami is correct in that Kojima has not actually been fired."
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Dev Explains “Horse Slow-Mo” Kills It is more for practicality than for a cool effect.
Battlefield Hardline Stats Show 2 Billion Minutes Have Been Played, Cops Win More Multiplayer Matches That's around 3,800 years.
Project CARS Creative Director Says Multiplayer Has Been Working for “Over Two Years” He also explains the game's delay.