The Last of Us Cinematic Playthrough Would Make for an Awesome TV Show It'll get you pumped up for the movie!
P.T. Might Contain a Secret Message From Hideo Kojima That Hints at His Break Interesting, but definitely a stretch.
DICE Able to “Get the Maximum Out of the Hardware” for PS4 Version of Star Wars: Battlefront Says it is a combination of great artists, a powerful engine, and Sony engineers.
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remastered Digital Pre-Order Page Reveals Download Size and Screens Also, the pre-ordered digital version comes with a free theme!
Sony to “Aggressively Invest” in PlayStation Division More money being poured into PlayStation software and hardware.
Elders React to the Goriness of Mortal Kombat X, is Worth Watching "Don't do that! You don't eat the face! Come on."
Destiny’s Crucible Overhaul Incoming, “The Dark Below” Maps to Be Free Next Month Maps to be free when "House of Wolves" releases.
Here are 10 Things to Pay Attention to in the New Just Cause 3 Trailer From destructible plants to the awesome wingsuit.
LittleBigPlanet 3 Gets Awesome Adventure Time Level Kit and Costumes Adventure Time, c'mon grab your friends!