Just Cause 3 Could Possibly Have Console Mods "We're not announcing anything there yet, but... we would want to support [mods] as much as possible."
P.T. Spiritual Successor “Allison Road” Being Made by Fans and It Looks Terrifying "What would you do if you could feel something stalking you in the dark in the safety of your own…
FIFA 16 Video Features “No Touch Dribbling,” Goes Behind the Scenes With Lionel Messi Yep, you saw that correctly -- No Touch Dribbling.
Shovel Knight Physical Versions Releasing Later This Year, Will Include Plague of Shadows Will include Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows.
Rory McIlroy PGA Tour Gameplay Video Shows Off New “Quick Rounds” Mode Play an 18-hole round in only a few minutes.
Troy Baker: “Reserve Judgement” on Kiefer Sutherland as Snake Until You Play MGS V: The Phantom Pain "Kiefer Sutherland knocked it out of the freaking park"
The Elder Scrolls Online Creative Director Leaves to Work at Gearbox Software Working on Borderlands 3?
Minecraft: Story Mode Details Coming Soon, LittleBigPlanet Mash-Up Pack Possible Minecraft: Story Mode details set to be released at the end of the week.
Stick it to the Man! Developer Zoink Offers Chance to Be in Zombie Vikings Only if you win one of the weekly challenges.
Batman: Arkham Knight Experiencing Leaderboard Issues on PS4, Fix Might Have to Wait "PC fixes come first"