Allison Road Creator in Talks With Sony and Microsoft, Working on VR Version Set to release Q3 of next year.
Arrested Development’s “Tobias Fünke” Was Once Hired to Bring Jokes to Destiny Thinks the script is "boring as s***".
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Special Edition and PS4 Console Featured in Videos Lookin' good.
“Regalia” Bringing Turn-Based Combat and Town Building to PS4, PS Vita, and PC Raid dungeons, construct buildings, and more.
Prototype 2 Might Be Hitting PS4 and Xbox One Later This Month A page for the game was found on the Xbox One store.
Horizon Zero Dawn Trailer Breakdown Talks Weapons, Setting, and More Guerrilla Games talks weapons, setting, and more.
Star Wars Battlefront Alpha Info Leaks Online, Weapons and Vehicles Revealed The Star Wars Battlefront closed alpha started today, and a large chunk of information has leaked out to the public already.…
Uncharted 4 Will Have a Photo Mode, Single-Player Will Run at 30fps. Beta can be accessed by purchasing Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection.
China’s Console Market Not Expected to Do Well This Year Smart TVs predicted to outsell consoles in China by 2019.
Bungie to Answer Destiny Questions With The Taken King "And it's now because of players and their actions that the events of The Taken King take place."