SCEA hardware marketing boss John Koller talked about Microsoft’s need to pay for third-party exclusives, such as the downloadable episodes…
In an interview with Famitsu, Kawagoe Takayuki, Executive Officer of SEGA Japan, explained how difficult a year 2008 was for SEGA, and…
PSLS previously reported on a rumor that Patapon 2 would not be released on UMD, and instead be available as…
The U.S. website for Sega’s upcoming game, Bayonetta, is now live!
ArsTechnica has gotten word from a fairly reliable source that Sony’s new PSP title, Patapon 2, is rumored to be…
Twitter is becoming notorious as a great way to communicate with your peeps, as well as leak secret game development…
For those of you who have read up on the new DLC Map Pack for Killzone 2, here is some…
We’ll post this under the Rumor section for now, but we seem to have gotten our first glimpse at the…
Sega and THQ recently pulled the plug on their joint European expo, and Ubisoft has decided to follow suit.
We have exclusive info on the song roster for the upcoming Singstar DLC. Check them out below!
Harmonix has released new screenshots of their upcoming PSP title, Rock Band Unplugged. Check them out, and let us know…
Here is the official press release for Rockband Unplugged, Harmonix’s newest PSP title.
Lego Indiana Jones is yet another installment in the Lego game series, which is famous for putting a tasteful spin…
During the five weeks of March, Sony’s PlayStation 3 was able to supplant the Wii as the number one selling…