Bandai Namco Is Teasing Its Reveal of a New Horror Game An official announcement could arrive later this month.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’s Latest Trailer Details Combat Customization Combat in Assassin's Creed is now more dynamic than ever.
Marvel’s Spider-Man: Creative Director Goes Over Mary Jane’s Role MJ's role came as a result of exploring Peter and his journey.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Footage Shows Alexios Helping Hippokrates Assassin's Creed Odyssey is looking a lot like Origins, but that isn't a bad thing.
Insomniac Aspires to Reach Rocksteady’s Level With Marvel’s Spider-Man Standing on the shoulders of giants.
Horizon Zero Dawn Reportedly Crosses 5 Million Units Sold at Retail At retail, Horizon has sold best in European territories.
Marvel’s Spider-Man Gameplay Shows Off Air Tricks and Stealthy Moves Spider-Man himself appears to be having a blast.
Control’s Mysterious Setting Investigated in Developer Diary There is "adventure around every corner."
Marvel’s Spider-Man Receives ‘Teen’ Rating from ESRB The ESRB's rating summary offers a few new details.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay Video Arriving August 9, 2018 Rockstar is gearing up for another big reveal.
Lara Croft Gets Stealthy in Latest Shadow of the Tomb Raider Trailer Lara's stealth tactics have notably improved.
Dark Horse’s The Art of Metal Gear Solid I-IV Collection Sneaks Into Stores It'll look nice on a shelf next to Dark Horse's The Art of Metal Gear Solid V.