Bang Bang Racing to Bring Family-Friendly Adrenaline to PSN Digital Reality has announced their new game for the PSN, Bang Bang Racing, which will bring family friendly fun with…
Rayman 3 Gets Highly Defined for PSN Ubisoft has announced the HD re-release of Rayman: Hoodlum Havoc for the PSN sometime in Spring of 2012.
PS3 Review – The Cursed Crusade Developed by Kylotonn Games and published by Atlus, The Cursed Crusade places us in the boots of two men seeking…
PS3 Review – Everybody Dance PSLS reviews SCE London Studio's just released dance game known as Everybody Dance in NA and as DanceStar Party in…
Warp Will Frag Scientists on the PSN This Winter Trapdoor has announced their new stealth action puzzle game called Warp will be arriving on the PlayStation Network this Winter.
Navigate Psychedelic Bullet Swarms in PixelJunk SideScroller Q-Games has released a launch trailer for their latest shoot-em-up game, PixelJunk SideScroller.
Skyrim Goes Live-Action Against Daunting Dragons Bethesda Softworks has released a new live action trailer for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, setting our hero against a…
PS4’s New Cell Chip 2 May Already Be Mid-Development The PS4 is inevitable and important for the future of the gaming industry, and we've just found a clue about…
Cruise the Carnival with The House of the Dead: Overkill Sega is bringing House of the Dead: Overkill to the PS3 just in time for Halloween, and they want to…
Band Together and Defeat the Horde in Zombie Apocalypse 2 A new trailer for Zombie Apocalypse 2 has been released showing off squad based play and new upgraded powers.
Unleash Your Inner Self With Saints Row If you’ve ever felt the world can be an oppressive to your true personality with its laws, social rules and…
“New Owner’s Kit” Accessory Bundle Available Soon Sony has found a new way to sell you more for less to with their "New Owner's Kit" accessory bundle.