Sony Slams iPhone; Steps Up Their Game

When Sony first announced Marcus Rivers, the in-your-face, loud and slightly annoying new poster boy for the PSP, at this year’s E3, many hoped he would bring the same level of love and humor to the handheld as Kevin Butler has to the PS3. In the first advert, shown at E3, Marcus is interviewed by KB and takes the time to quickly talk about how he “can’t stand hearing kids talking about weak apps on the phone”, much like how Kevin Butler humorously points out the flaws in Microsoft’s Kinect. In Marcus’ next video however, Sony has gone beyond the usual light hearted trash talking about a competitors platform and instead has openly attacked the iPhone, and its games.

In the first episode of ‘Marcus Don’t Play That’, the mini-Butler shows an iPhone, or at least a mock-up machine that is obviously meant to be an iPhone, and talks about a fictitious game called ‘Wastebasket’, a ‘waste of his 3 minutes’ and his ‘momma’s hard earned money’. Marcus ends the video by telling people to put down that garbage, and pick up something nice – a PSP.

Watch the full video below:

The PSP certainly needs all the help it can get, with an iPhone 4 and 3DS right around the corner, and the handheld’s sales dropping ever lower. Do you think Sony’s new ad campaign will add new life to the machine, or should they just go ahead and bring out a PSP2 already? Tell us in the comments below, or on our Twitter.

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