street fighter 5 dlc

Valve Takes Blame for Recent Street Fighter V DLC Leak, Issues Apology

A few days ago, Capcom announced that E. Honda, Lucia, and Poison will be joining Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition‘s roster today, August 4th. The reveal was meant to be a surprise but, unfortunately, a leak last Wednesday spoiled it for fans.

It’s not unheard of for publishers to accidentally leak announcements but this snafu is Valve’s fault, and the company has admitted as much in a mea culpa issued this weekend.

A note on the game’s Steam Community Hub reads:

Dear Street Fighter V Fans,

On Wednesday of this week there was a mix-up in the publishing process at Valve that caused a trailer to go live on Steam ahead of schedule. The trailer includes the major reveal of Poison, Lucia, and E. Honda as characters joining the fighter roster.

It’s a regrettable and unintentional situation, and we have already implemented measures to prevent this error from happening again. We are fans of Street Fighter ourselves and we’re sorry for the error.

The Steam Team

Whoopsie Daisy!

E. Honda, Lucia, and Poison will cost $5.99 a piece or 100,000 Fight Money. You can grab all three characters as part of the “Summer 2019 Character Bundle” that’ll be available tomorrow, August 5th, for $14.99. The bundle will include each character’s Battle Costume and Default Colors 3-10.

Street Fighter V now boasts 38 characters. If you still haven’t played the game then make sure to check out the free trial that’s underway now until August 11th. During this period, players will have access to 16 launch characters as well as the six Season 3 characters.

[Source: Valve]

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