Destiny 2 update 1.2.0 patch notes

Destiny 2 Hotfix Fixes Frame Rate Issue, Re-Enables Rat King Exotic

Whenever a game gets a massive new content drop or balancing update, there are bound to be some bugs to iron out. With the recent release of the Destiny 2: Warmind expansion, Season 3 of content, and Update 1.2.0, there were a few known issues that Bungie set out to fix straightaway.

One of those problems was a frame rate issue on PlayStation consoles, which has been resolved with this quick fix. It also resolved the exploit with the Rat King Exotic that caused Bungie to disable to weapon for most of last week. If you had been trying to view your characters on third-party sites or apps and couldn’t, that issue has now been fixed as well (if it’s still not working for you, log in to all characters you have tied to your Bungie account and it should allow the API to update correctly). See below for additional fixes introduced with this update.

Destiny 2 Update Patch Notes


  • Emblems introduced in Season 3 are now visible within the Emblem Collection for all players
  • Fixed an issue where some players could not equip the Shadow Dance emote


  • Fixed an issue where the Gunsmith was not selling Legendary Modifications to players who did not own Expansion 2


  • Fixed an issue where the Heroic Strike Playlist would sometimes launch players into Vanguard Strikes


  • Players can no longer summon Sparrows on Meltdown
  • Fixed an issue where Iron Banner ornaments were receiving progress from alternate Crucible playlists


  • The Contender’s Shell perk “Seeker of Brilliance” now properly grants Season 3 Prototype Engrams (Was incorrectly granting Season 2 Illuminated engrams)


  • Fixed an issue where Rat King was incorrectly granting ammo to alternate weapons

Destiny Companion API

  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to interact with their Characters or Inventory on, the Destiny Companion App, or 3rd party apps


  • Fixed an issue causing frame rate issues on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro

It’s great to see Bungie rapidly responding to known issues. This Destiny 2 update is the second hotfix since Warmind launched that addresses problems that were found early on. While Warmind just released, we’re already looking to the roadmap to see what might be next for Destiny 2. The second expansion and accompanying update were great for steering the ship in the right direction, now it’s time to see some real forward momentum in improving the Destiny experience.

[Source: Bungie]

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