Dissidia Final Fantasy NT is a frenetic and fast-paced tactical brawler with a significant learning curve as most of the character moves aren’t actually detailed in the game. It’s one of the biggest sticking points in an otherwise great Final Fantasy mashup. Fortunately we’re here to help. Our Dissidia Final Fantasy NT character guide will walk you through every character, their move lists, unique EX skills, and how best ot utilize their abilities on the battlefield.
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Character Guide
General Tips
There are four different character types in the game: Vanguard, Marksman, Assassin, and Specialist. Within those classes, each character can play quite differently, but in general Vanguards will have an advantage over Assassins, Assassins will beat Marksmen, and Marksmen have an edge on Vanguards. Specialists are weird exceptions, each with their own bizarre sets of moves and abilities.
Vanguard: Close range heavy attackers. Vanguards move slower, but they hit hard.
Marksman: Excel at a distance, tossing long range attacks at foes without the need to get close. They typically move a bit slower, so try not to let other characters get close.
Assassin: The quick and up close fighter. This class is great at closing the gap on long range attackers.
Specialist: The expert class. These characters are tough to play but have an excellent payoff if you can master their skills.
- It’s best not to only learn your own character, but to have a general idea about the other characters as well, so that you can judge how to best approach each situation.
- Play the tutorials, and then play them again. Get the hang of the basic tactical gameplay and using varying Bravery and HP attacks.
- Don’t always wait until you can get a one-hit kill with your HP Attacks. Sometimes just chipping away at opponents’ health can result in a victory. The big plays are fun, but it’s a high risk waiting that long to deal damage.
- Dodge and block. It might seem like a hack-and-slash game, but dodging and blocking will go a lot further than simply going for an all out assault.
- Make use of summons. They can turn the tide of the battle, so don’t ignore them. Pay attention to when your opponents are summoning too, and try to stop them.
- This is a TEAM GAME! Don’t try to lone wolf it. Make use of your other teammates to perform combos on opponents, and help out teammates that are getting attacked by flanking enemies. If you don’t help each other, you will probably find the match coming to a loss extremely quickly.
Note: For the Move Lists below, swap X with Circle for the Bravery Attacks. The charts are based on the Japanese version of the game.
Warrior of Light Move List
Final Fantasy

Type: Vanguard
Unique EX Skill: Holy Chain – All enemies will temporarily target you
Warrior of Light is the quintessential fighter. His moves are mostly basic close-range attack and defense using his sword and shield combo, though he does have a couple of ranged moves to cover longer distances. His two Shield of Light attacks will summon shields that grant Warrior of Light buffs when they block attacks.
His unique EX skill will force every enemy to lock on to Warrior of Light, giving your teammates some breathing room for a few seconds. Use this skill at an opportune moment to pull targeting and give your allies a good opening.
Garland Move List
Final Fantasy

Type: Vanguard
Unique EX Skill: Deranged Soul – Restrain your opponent and do continuous damage to them. Hold down Triangle to maintain your grasp
If you want to deal a lot of damage, Garland is your character. He gains power each time he lands an attack, with a buff that stacks up to two times. He’s great at controlling the battlefield with his Reel attack that drags a character in close. His attacks vary between close and mid-range. Learn to use Garland’s moves in rapid succession in order to maximize his damage output. Garland has a number of attacks that can cover his flanks if he has enemies approaching from the back or sides.
Garland’s unique EX skill will hold an opponent in place, dealing damage and increasing his damage buff. Follow it up with combos do deal more damage.
Firion Move List
Final Fantasy II

Type: Vanguard
Unique EX Skill: Blood Weapon – Temporarily increase your movement speed and cause all attacks to absorb opponent’s HP.
Firion has a customizable ground combo that can keep opponents on their toes. Holding the left stick in different directions during the combo will swap what weapon he uses to attack. Enemies cannot recover while in the combo, though Firion has to get in close to start it, so it’s a high risk. Unlike other characters that have a good balance of ground and air moves, Firion’s air arsenal is lacking. Keep his feet firmly planted to be ready for anything.
His unique EX skill allows him to absorb HP from enemies during his bravery combo. It allows Firion to heal himself while taking his enemies’ HP, without exhausting bravery on an HP attack.
Emperor Move List
Final Fantasy II

Type: Marksman
Unique EX Skill: Starfall – Rain a seemingly endless stream of meteors down upon your foes. The last meteor temporarily prevents the opponent from moving.
Emperor is a trap master, filling the battlefield with traps that opponents must dodge. Given players’ propensity for focusing on characters and not things scattered about the arena, this character can offer quite a surprise when played right. As he’s a ranged class that rarely engages directly in battle, if enemies get close, you can use Stygian Swell to knock them back and give yourself some breathing room. Someof his attacks can be used as both a standard long range projectile, as well as a sticky trap that will remain around for a time. You may want to experiment with Emperor in single player before moving to ranked online matches. Play him right, and you can set up a labyrinthine passage of traps that will ensure enemies can’t touch you.
His unique EX skill will hold enemies in place on the final hit, so it’s great if you do need to make a quick exit, or if you’re setting up a combo with teammates.
Onion Knight Move List
Final Fantasy III

Type: Specialist
Unique EX Skill: Job Change – Change jobs (dependent on a number of factors. See chart above)
Onion Knight will take some getting used to as he has three different jobs that all completely change his move sets. The base Onion Knight is farily weak, so you’ll want to change to either the Ninja or Sage class as soon as possible. He will become a Ninja after consecutive number of physical attacks are landed, and he will become a Sage after consecutive magic attacks find their mark. The Ninja class boosts Onion Knight’s speed, gives him an extra jump, and is more of a Vanguard type character. His Sage class casts ranged spells and benefits from keeping Onion Knight airborne.
His unique EX skill changes him back and forth between each class (or selects a random class if you have not yet switched his class to Ninja or Sage). Keep your foes guessing. If they’ve gotten used to your ranged barrage, swap to Ninja and close the gap to deal a lot of damage. You can also tailor your class to the team composition, depending on whether you need ranged or melee class characters.
Cloud of Darkness Move List
Final Fantasy III

Type: Vanguard
Unique EX Skill: Umbral Torrent – All your abilities become fully charged for a short period of time.
– Zero-Form Particle Beam (during Umbral Torrent) – Emit a powerful laser at your foe. You will lose Umbral Torrent on using this attack.
Cloud of Darkness will power up over time and her bravery attacks will be fully charged. You can also Activate her unique EX skill to manually enable her abilities to be fully charged. She has multiple attacks that can target both enemies on the air and on the ground, so she’s difficult to surround if used properly. The rest of her attacks perform a variety of functions, and Cloud of Darkness has an ability for just about every situation, if you know how to use her right. She is great at moving enemies around with her tentacles and controlling their approach. She can push enemies away, dash attack, and her unique EX skill is a high-damaging HP attack when she is charged with Umbral Torrent.
Cecil Harvey Move List
Final Fantasy IV

Type: Vanguard
Unique EX Skill: Job Change – Switch to Paladin/Knight, temporarily raising your attack and defense. Both attributes will slowly return to their base value.
Cecil is essentially two characters in one, as each of his Paladin and Dark Knight classes are completely different from one another. You can choose which class to start out as, and unique HP attacks or his unique EX skill will change it mid battle. Paladin acts as an Assassin, and Dark Knight acts as a Marksman, though Cecil’s overall movement is as slow as the Vanguard class to compensate for his diversity.
Paladin acts as an aerial class, using combos while airborne to juggle enemies. Paladin also has a powerful downward thrust, followed by another uppercut to send opponents flying again. Use Paladin to take out enemies that like to keep their feet off the ground.
Dark Knight is a ground based fighter that uses ranged attacks. He has great area of effect attacks to impact enemies that try to surround him, and can draw in foes for damage. While you should stay out of the air, Dark Knight has the Nightfall ability to bring himself and his enemies quickly to the ground.
His unique EX skill simply switches between his two classes, so use it to keep his enemies guessing.
Golbez Move List
Final Fantasy IV

Type: Marksman
Unique EX Skill: Binding Cold – Generate an orb of ice at the opponent’s position that freezes any who touch it. Hold to charge, can move while casting.
Shadow Dragon – Summon your shadow dragon and increase your attack.
Shadow Dragon improves just about everything in Golbez’s move set. He’s faster, stronger, and can reach enemies at farther distances. Try to avoid HP attacks, particularly ones that do more than 1000 damage. These attacks will make Golbez lose his Shadow Dragon, which keeps him deadly. If you lose the Shadow Dragon, you can use your unique EX skill to get it back. If you have it, your unique EX skill will create an ice orb that freezes opponents.
One of Golbez’s strongest traits is the ability to move while casting spells. Check out his full move list for the range of what his spells can do (with and without Shadow Dragon), and learn how to strategize various situations. Mostly you’ll want to keep your distance, keeping Shadow Dragon alive, and letting your ranged spells do the talking.
Kain Highwind Move List
Final Fantasy IV

Type: Assassin
Unique EX Skill: Jump (I, II, and III) – Leap into the air and descend to the earth, dealing bravery damage. (II) On a hit, gain a buff that increases the number of times you can jump (III) Deals HP damage, and immediately activates buff that increases the number of times you can jump.
Kain is a dragoon, so he’s got quite a bit of reach with his lance. Being an assassin, he can get to his enemies and put them under assault quickly. Keep him moving and in the air to be most effective. His ground attacks toss enemies upward and his aerial attacks follow up with the damage. Juggle enemies to make sure that they
His unique EX skill is a jump that can be devastating for enemies if you can flank them and maintain the element of surprise. Let the ability charge up before using it to make it much more powerful, with the third tier actually being an HP attack. It also gives Kain a buff that allows him to jump up even higher, staying away from the fight and forcing enemies to come to him.
Bartz Klauser Move List
Final Fantasy V

Type: Specialist
Unique EX Skill: Good-Luck Charm – Temporarily increase the attack power, defense, and movement speed of all party members. The more Jobs you have mastered, the more potent its effects. While active, attacks landed hone job abilities faster.
Bartz starts off the fight rather weak, but his slow burn buffs make him deadly the longer the fight goes on. Each of his attacks is based on a different Job, and landing hits with his moves hones those Jobs until they are mastered. When Mastered, each ability has different effects and is more powerful. He also receives buffs from each ability, and Mastered abilities double that buff.
You could try to focus only on individual abilities that buff the traits you most want, but the most advisable thing to do is use a variety of Bartz’s moves and master them all. Combo his moves together to receive multiple buffs at any time, and quickly Master every one of his abilities to be nearly unstoppable.
His unique EX skill shares his buffs with his teammates for a few moments. If Bartz has Mastered his Jobs, this can be a game changer that can boost your whole team at perfect moments.
Exdeath Move List
Final Fantasy V

Type: Specialist
Unique EX Skill: (Berserker Mode) Black Hole – Attack your opponent and spawn a black hole on top of them, applying a debuff that rapidly decreases their bravery.
(Nullifier Mode) Power of the Void – Create an area around yourself in which EX skills cannot be used.
(Hexer Mode) White Dwarf – Temporarily increases the effects of debuffs while in Hexer Mode. Your attacks will apply debuffs, even when you are in other modes.
Exdeath has three different modes he can be in, and you can change them at will with the L3 button, cycling through Berserker, Nullifier, and Hexer. Berserker boosts attack and gives Exdeath more poise, meaning he can interrupt attacks more easily. Nullifier prevents enemies from using common EX skills and charges Exdeath’s EX skills faster. Hexer mode will debuff enemies attacks, defense, and movement, while also diminishing Exdeath’s attack potency.
Nullifier and Hexer are better to use at a distance in combination with team members to apply debuffs and prevent them from using their own skills. Once you want to deal damage, switch to Berseker and get in close. Rverse Polarity is a great teleporting attack that can be used to surprise and flank enemies. Most of his other attacks are ranged.
His unique EX skill is dependent on his specific mode, and further enhances the specific abilities within each.
Terra Branford Move List
Final Fantasy VI

Type: Marksman (the image is incorrect)
Unique EX Skill: Trance – Temporarily improve your attack, defense, and movement speed.
Terra is a Marksman using magic casting to pelt her foes with a number of attacks. After not attacking for a short period of time (or getting attacked), her next attack gains charge, which changes the attack and gives it a higher potency. Keep Terra away from her enemies. She can be lethal at a distance, but she’ll have problems if her enemies get in close. In particular, keep an eye on any Assassin’s in the match, as they can close the gap to Terra very quickly.
Her unique EX skill is valuable for escaping, as well as suddenly improving her attacks and dealing a lot of damage. It has a lot of versatility, but should be planned for when it can be most effective.
Kefka Palazzo Move List
Final Fantasy VI

Type: Marksman
Unique EX Skill: Heartless Angel – Apply debuff to any enemies around you. Charging will increase the number of debuffs applied.
Kefka is an insane character to play against, but can be tough to master when you are playing as him. Kefka can charge many of his attacks, which impose additional effects on them. Kefka’s attacks are unpredictable, and mimic his demented character. He’s a trickster, so many of his attacks play on that attribute. He can actually spawn a fake summoning core, which is a good ability to use when the real core spawns in. Keep in mind that Kefka can move while casting his abilities, so keep him away from foes, and play from a distance.
Kefka can taunt by using the touchpad (if the summoning gauge is not full) which will increase his bravery by a random amount. It’s more of a novelty move that really highlights how bizarre Kefka is. His unique EX skill can get a game changer, though. Use a fully charged Heartless Angel to apply massive debuffs to enemies, which can drastically turn the tide of battle, but make sure to escape the area quickly. If Kefka takes a hit, the enemy debuffs will be lost.
Cloud Strife Move List
Final Fantasy VII

Type: Vanguard
Unique EX Skill: Limit Break – Temporarily increase defense, and decrease amount of time to charge each attack.
Cloud is one of the easiest characters to pick up and play. His got a lot of great attacks that can keep his opponents under assault, but his real power comes in the ability to charge every one of his attacks. Charging his moves by holding the buttons will increase the power, range, and speed of the attack, though Cloud is vulnerable during the charging period. Cloud has a great balance of ground and air attacks, in addition to a ranged move to keep pressure on his opponents.
Using Cloud’s unique EX skill allows the charging of his attacks to be much shorter, increasingly his lethality and defense.
Sephiroth Move List
Final Fantasy VII

Type: Vanguard
Unique EX Skill: Jenova – Create an aura around you that temporarily slows the movement of enemies near you.
The draw of Sephiroth is in high damage over time with a brutal flurry of attacks in combo. Using his dash cancel is key to keeping opponents under pressure and barely letting up. He can be both deadly in air and on the ground, as long as he is dash canceling and immediately following up with additional attacks. He has great mobility for a Vanguard class character, again, particularly with that dash cancel that can get him out of ugly situations. Try getting enemies by themselves, away from their teammates, to really use Sephiroth to his fullest.
Note that Sephiroth can inflict Doom with one of his HP attacks, which sets a countdown timer that will drain all Bravery from the opponent that is hit with it. Use his unique EX skill to slow characters, further making Sephiroth’s brutal assault difficult to deal with.
Squall Leonheart Move List
Final Fantasy VIII

Type: Assassin
Unique EX Skill: Draw and Junction – Draw magic from your target and junction it to yourself. The spell’s effect and duration depend on your foe’s character type and your distance from them when cast.
Get Squall in close with his enemies and make sure no one else is around. He’s nearly unbeatable if he can separate foes off from their team and work them into the ground. Just like the gunblade mechanic in Final Fantasy VIII, Squall can use his gunblade to time button presses and increase damage on his attacks. His attacks all create a great series of combos depending on the situation. Use proper button presses in the combos to increase their damage and keep enemies on the ropes.
His unique EX skill may seem random, but there is actually a set system to it. Vanguards will increase his defense, Assassins increase speed, Marksmen raise his attack, and Specialists result in a random buff. Get in close to enemies when using Draw and Junction to maximize the buff power and duration.
Ultimecia Move List
Final Fantasy VIII

Type: Marksman
Unique EX Skill: Maelstrom – Unleash a dark orb that, once it stops moving, gradually increases in size and eventually explodes.
A great spell caster, Ultimecia will deal a lot of damage at range, and multiple connected attacks will increase her attack potency, whether the opponent blocks it or not. You can charge many of her attacks, similar to Kefka, to change the ability and either increase range, number of projectiles, or potency of the attack. Most of Ultimecia’s attacks can be fired off while she keeps on the move, so keep away from enemies and stay mobile.
Her unique EX skill both stuns enemies and deal HP damage, so it’s a great move to use when enemies are grouped in a single area, like at a Summoning Crystal. Her buff that increases attack potency will actually impact her unique EX skill as well, so work on getting that buff up before launching it.
Zidane Tribal Move List
Final Fantasy IX

Type: Assassin
Unique EX Skill: Trance – Have your attribute stealing ability deal damage, temporarily increase how long you can dash, and remove any debuffs afflicting you.
Zidane is a competent ground fighter, but he really shines in the air. His abilities can get him into the fray quickly, which is good, because Zidane needs to be very close to be effective. While dashing, use his bravery attack to steal from enemies, robbing them of some of their attack power, defense, and movement speed (and adding it to Zidane’s own), but be careful. This move doesn’t deal any bravery damage unless you use his unique EX skill. To deal bravery damage, you’ll want to take your finger off of the R1 button and use his non-dashing combos.
Zidane is quick and hard to catch on the battlefield, so keep him moving. Use his unique EX skill to extend his dash and easily move Zidane out of overwhelming situations. Don’t go for the all out assault with him, move in and out, hitting enemies and dashing away to keep them guessing and on their toes.
Kuja Move List
Final Fantasy IX

Type: Assassin
Unique EX Skill: Discarnate Chorus (Soul Resonance) – Raise either the defense, attack, or movement speed of any allies within range and temporarily increase the speed at which your EX skill gauge fills up. Your second use will raise two attributes, your third will raise all three. While in Trance mode, this skill will always raise all three.
Kuja is a character for expert players. He’s classified as an Assassin, but his unique skill set starts to lean a bit more into Specialist territory. He uses magic attacks, though most of them will require Kuja to be in close. Kuja’s skills are a torrent of attacks that can keep foes locked in place, unable to retaliate.
To enter Trance mode with Kuja’s unique EX skill, use it three times without being eliminated. Kuja will enter Trance and his unique EX skill will change to its advanced version until he is eliminated, at which time it resets. It’s a slow burn, but each time activating it shortens the cooldown to the next use, which means that–as long as Kuja isn’t eliminated–he can really do a lot for the team as the battle goes on. Use this skill to buff allies and help your team clinch a victory.
Tidus Move List
Final Fantasy X

Type: Assassin
Unique EX Skill: Quick Hit – Unleash a deadly dance of steel and limb. Upon landing the final hit, your dash gauge is fully restored and and its max value is temporarily increased along with its restoration rate.
Most of Tidus’s attacks center around dashing, keeping him moving quickly towards his foes. He’s an Assassin, so Tidus uses his mobility to his advantage to launch a flurry of blows on his opponents while staying just out of reach of their attacks. With that in mind, Tidus players will need to keep an eye on that dash gauge. If he can’t dash, he’s got a couple of basic attacks, but he’s nowhere near as deadly.
That said, when Tidus does have his dash gauge full, he’ll launch a flurry of blows like he’s underwater playing blitzball. Learning to feather the dash to always maintain gauge is an essential mechanic to making full use of Tidus’s skills. Use his unique EX skill to both deal some damage and refill the dash gauge. He also gets an increase in the dash gauge and its restoration rate, meaning he can launch into another deadly rapid flurry of attacks immediately after.
Jecht Move List
Final Fantasy X

Type: Assassin
Unique EX Skill: Fake Out – Pump yourself up, enabling you to cancel out of any ability. You can follow up this cancel with a bravery attack.
Jecht is an exceptionally powerful Assassin, but given his unique EX skill centering on ability cancels, he’s a real beast in the hands of skilled players. Keep your enemies close to walls to get a good combo of attacks going. Many of Jecht’s moves can’t be recovered from as part of a combo, so maintaining control of enemy positioning can be the key to maximizing bravery and getting key openings for HP attacks.
Jecht’s Quick Block move is a great way to lure close ranged opponents into launching an attack and then stun them, opening them up for one of Jecht’s deadly combos. Use Jecht’s unique EX skill to gain the ability to perform even more unconventional combos using ability cancels that wouldn’t normally be possible. It’s not the easiest ability to use, but mastering it will make Jecht one of the most difficult characters to face, particularly against melee based characters. Counter him with a ranged character like Ace or Terra.
Shantotto Move List
Final Fantasy XI

Type: Marksman
Unique EX Skill: Colossal Shantotto – Grow to an immense size and unleash a long-range wave of energy. You will be invincible while performing this ability.
Keep Shantotto at range to be most effective, as many unskilled players will dismiss the threat of this tiny Marksman. When her HP begins dropping, she becomes enraged, and her bravery attacks get supercharged along with a movement speed buff. Many of Shantotto’s attacks do area damage, so try to use it on clustered enemies, either in a big fight or near the summoning core. Pay attention to when Shantotto is in our out of enrage (2500 HP is the cutoff point) so that you can maximize whichever moveset you have access to at the time.
Her unique EX skill is fun to use, as she grow huge and launches a wave of energy at opponents. Players who don’t know Shantotto will often try to target her during this period, thinking she is the bigger threat, but she is actually immune during this ability. Along with the wave of energy at foes, it can make for a great distraction, even if it’s just for a few critical moments in the game.
Vaan Move List
Final Fantasy XII

Type: Specialist
Unique EX Skill: Dreadnought – While holding Triangle, your bravery gradually increases. Once you release it, your bravery stays at that value for a period of time.
Vaan’s moves center around immediately dealing damage. His bravery attacks are lacking, but he equip two HP attacks at a time. As you land more and more HP attacks, a combo counter rises that deals bonus damage on subsequent HP attacks. While the first one may not be able to kill an enemy right away, subsequent attacks will get increasingly powerful until Vaan is incapacitated himself.
Vaan’s bravery attacks are decent long-range abilities that can butter up the enemy and help Vaan buff a few extra bravery points for his HP attacks. When selecting from his HP attacks, choose two that complement each other so that you can cover as many possible situations as might occur.
His unique EX skill is good for buffing bravery to get a slightly stronger attack, but more importantly it suspends the bravery count. If Vaan is attacked within a few seconds of using his unique EX skill, the enemy will not be able to lower his bravery and Vaan can quickly counter with an HP attack.
Lightning Move List
Final Fantasy XIII

Type: Assassin
Unique EX Skill: Army of One – Perform an elegant series of sword attacks that allows you to recover HP on a hit.
Similar to her role in Final Fantasy XIII, Lightning can paradigm shift between two different modes. Commando keeps her mobility high, but requires her to be in close to attack, highlighting her abilities as an Assassin type character. Ravager turns Lightning into more of a ranged character, giving her some Marksman qualities and the ability to play from a distance. You can paradigm shift at will during battle, which really extends Lightning’s moveset, combo ability, and skills if you can get used to shifting between the two.
Her unique EX skill is not only a great combo of strikes, but it offers healing that can increase Lightning’s survivability in a fight.
Y’shtola Move List
Final Fantasy XIV

Type: Marksman
Unique EX Skill: Aetherial Pulse – Create a healing aura around yourself that restores HP and bravery. This aura will remain effective as long as you hold triangle down.
Y’shtola is a character for team players who don’t necessarily want to hog the limelight. Her attacks consist of a number of long-range magical abilities that debuff foes and create traps around the field. She can make life hell for her opponents while they try to assault your teammates, or she can provide a distraction if enemies try to target her, leaving openings for your teammates to come in and take them out.
Set up traps to protect yourself and then unleash a series of attacks and abilities at your opponents. Depending on what HP attack you have, Y’shtola can help chip away at unsuspecting enemies who only see her as a pest. A good Y’shtola player will make their presence known, but never hog the stage. As a support character, she sets the scene to let her teammates perform.
Y’shtola’s unique EX skill is an amazing ability that can restore the health of her teammates and increase their bravery.
Noctis Lucus Caelum Move List
Final Fantasy XV

Type: Assassin
Unique EX Skill: Warp – Aim with the left stick before throwing your weapon and then warping to its position (hold to charge).
Noctis is particularly dangerous and because of his warp, which allows him a wealth of mobility. Noctis can store up to three warps. When his health falls below a certain point, his intrinsic ability adds damage to each one of his bravery attacks by warping in additional weapons for strikes. As Noctis gets attacked, he becomes more deadly and can increase his bravery faster.
Used as a combo player in conjunction with his warp, Noctis can do a lot in battle. Some of his attacks also employ a warp, which makes him unpredictable. Used as a hit-and-run style attacker, he can do a great deal of damage in combos, warp away, find another player, and unleash a devastating HP attack. He can approach from multiple angles, so stay keen when facing a Noctis. Keeping him on the move is the key to winning any fight.
Ramza Beoulve Move List
Final Fantasy Tactics

Type: Specialist
Unique EX Skill: Focus; Shout; Galvanize – Greatly increase your movement speed and attack potency. Hold down to increase allies’ attack potency, defense, movement speed, and bravery recovery. You can fill the gauge faster by holding Triangle when the gauge isn’t full.
Ramza’s lethality centers around use of his unique EX skill. Using it to buff yourself makes him a deadly player on the battlefield. See the chart above for the changes to bravery attacks, keeping in mind that this boost makes almost all of them prevent enemies from being able to recover during combos. If you’re a team player, you can buff your teammates by holding down Triangle. It’s your choice depending on your own skill as well as that of your allies.
Traditionally, you’ll want to use Shout to keep yourself buffed up, as Ramza is a powerhouse in this mode. With a pretty sturdy skillset while both airborne and on the ground, you’ll want to stay unpredictable by using a wide range of his moves. Ultima is a great area ability that can cause problems for the enemy when they group up or try to gang up on you. Ramza is traditionally better at mid-range, so try to keep him out of the fray.
Ace Move List
Final Fantasy Type-0
Type: Marksman
Unique EX Skill: Cut Cards; Show of Hands – Pull a random card into your hand, can be red, black, blue, or yellow. Hold down to activate an ability based on the color of the cards that Ace has pulled. See the chart above for more information on exactly what each card pull will do.
If you want to play a game of chance and test lady luck, pick Ace. He can be an absolutely devastating long-range character, and his bravery attacks will lay down a rain of hurt on distant foes. Most of these abilities are fairly straightforward, and a good Ace player could get away with these and these alone.
If you want to try your luck, use Ace’s unique EX skill to pull cards and try for a variety of effects. Ace can pull up to four cards at any one time (with a fifth discarding the oldest card), and his skill activation will take into account whichever color he has the most of. The idea is to try to have three of one color in your hand when you activate to maximize the effect. There is a cooldown to draw new cards, but you can activate the abilities at any time, as long as you have cards in your hand.
This Dissidia Final Fantasy NT character move list and guide can help you not only learn to play each character, but also how to counter them. The key to being a great Dissidia Final Fantasy NT player is in learning to adapt to each situation. Whether or not you know how to play Cloud, Ramza, Kefka, or any of the characters, you’ll have to change your tactics based on the character composition of the opposing team. Knowing your enemy is imperative. Feel free to share any additional tips and character gameplay suggestions in the comments.