Dead by Daylight Leatherface

Dead by Daylight Leatherface Added as DLC, Coming to Consoles Later

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre‘s iconic serial killer Leatherface is now available in Dead by Daylight. A horror icon since 1974, he comes complete with his deadly chainsaw. Costing $3.99, he’ll feature unique perks and will also have a sledgehammer weapon. It’s out now for PC, and is coming to consoles in the near future although an exact timeframe wasn’t given.

Check out the Dead by Daylight Leatherface trailer below:

Here’s the full info on the horror icon’s addition:

Starbreeze Publishing together with Behaviour Digital are today releasing the infamous character Leatherface as a killer in Dead by Daylight.  Leatherface first appeared in the 1974 classic The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and has since become a pop culture icon , terrifying audiences across 8 films.

Leatherface will bring a new set of perks, his iconic chainsaw and will additionally wield a sledgehammer – both weapons of doom that will surely instill fear in all Survivors.

The new Killer will be available for a suggested retail price of $3,99 on PC through Steam and other digital distribution channels starting today. Dead by Daylight: Leatherface will soon be available for console.

Similar to Friday the 13th: The Game, Behaviour Digital’s four against one horror game has players trying to survive the night against a serial killer. It released last year on PC, but came to consoles earlier this year. It’s available both physically and digitally.

Dead by Daylight is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

More screenshots of Dead by Daylight Leatherface can be seen in the gallery below:

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