Detailed yesterday by Digital Foundry, the hitching issue on PlayStation 4 in LawBreakers has now been fixed. To get it, you’ll need to download update 1.04, which players say is only 132MB.
According to the PS4’s Update History, the single patch note for LawBreakers update 1.04 is “hitch improvements.” Players are reporting that the game does run smoother now.
Answering some questions on Twitter, developer Boss Key said Ranked Mode and fixes for ratings on matches joined in-progress could happen in the future:
This is something we are looking into for the future. Nailing gameplay, matchmaking and getting feedback from community comes 1st
— LawBreakers (@lawbreakers) August 9, 2017
This is something we will be looking into. There’s a joke here, but we’ll refrain for now. Thanks for playing!
— LawBreakers (@lawbreakers) August 9, 2017
You can learn more about the PS4 Pro support and Trophies for LawBreakers by following the links.
Expect our thoughts on LawBreakers soon.
Have you played LawBreakers yet? What do you think of it?
[Source: LawBreakers (1), (2), (3), Boss Key, Reddit]
lawbreakers excited
Why You Should Be Excited for LawBreakers
It Brought Cliffy B Out of Retirement
Cliff Bleszinski was understandably pretty jaded with the games industry after spending his whole adult life in it, and once he retired many thought it would be for good. He still had a desire to create, though, and LawBreakers is the result of that. It's his first multiplayer-focused first-person shooter since his Unreal Tournament days, and if that doesn't get you excited then I don't know what will.
Innovative Gravity Mechanics
It's almost cliché at this point to have maneuverability as a selling point, but while most shooters are adding jetpacks, LawBreakers is allowing players to defy gravity. Other games might allow players to move around, but LawBreakers really takes it to the next level. There's a level of depth to just the movement alone that other shooters rarely have.
Four Unique Modes
There'll be four modes in the multiplayer shooter when it releases, and each of them put a different spin on combat. Uplink, Blitzball (not that one), Turf War, and Overcharge all have different rules to learn, and were a blast in the beta.
Joy of Learning
As I previously wrote about, one of the things I enjoyed most about Boss Key's shooter is that it feels genuinely refreshing in a genre filled with retreads. No matter what shooters you may have played in the past, everyone is starting from level one here. There's a ton of concepts to grasp, and figuring them out is part of the fun.
5v5 Combat
All of the multiplayer modes in LawBreakers are five-on-five. It's the perfect balance between having a enough players that action is always happening, but small enough that true teamwork can really be implemented. While games started to go in the direction of "bigger is better" for multiplayer, we're seeing developers figure out that smaller matches can be just as satisfying.
Fast-Paced Action
If you're like me, and grew up playing PC shooters like Quake and Unreal Tournament, then a lot of today's shooters feel pretty slow in comparison. That definitely isn't the case here, as the action in LawBreakers is fast-paced and frenetic. It's rare for an arena shooter on console to really nail that feel, but Boss Key managed to do just that.
All four of the shooter's modes are fun to play, but Overcharge is a really interesting spin on capture-the-flag. Players have to take a battery and charge it at their base, but that same battery (and the charge it has obtained) can be stolen back by the opposing team. It paves the way for some incredible comebacks.
Nine Roles to Master
There are nine roles to learn in LawBreakers, with two characters in each type. That means there are a ton of skills that players will have to master. The nine roles are: Assassin, Battle MEdic, Enforcer, Gunslinger, Harrier, Juggernaut, Titan, Vanguard, and Wrath.
Team Experience
This isn't a deathmatch shooter. Every game type is centered around fulfilling your role, and completing the mode's objective. In an era of multiplayer shooters that largely are based around shooting everything that moves (which is admittedly still fun), LawBreakers provides a different type of experience. It's a more focused game that'll require teams to work as a cohesive unit.
It's Cheap
Like Hellblade, LawBreakers will only cost $29.99 when it releases August 8. That's a dope price point that will ensure that more players will be able to afford the shooter, and it should lead to servers being filled with active players for the foreseeable future.