With the maintenance complete, Rainbow Six Siege Update 2.2.2 is now available to download on PlayStation 4, and will be coming to Xbox One and PC by 9am PT/12pm ET. According to players, update 1.34 is 664MB, and a second update (1.35) went live shortly afterwards that’s 117MB.
Ubisoft is aware of PS4 players having trouble getting online after downloading the update.
Here’s the highlights of Update 2.2.2, which Ubisoft says lays the foundation for Season 3 coming later this month:
Dedicated Servers for Custom Matches
- While Custom Matches have been hosted on dedicated servers since February 2016, we will be reducing the requirements to host a Custom Match and have it remain on dedicated servers. Previously, players were required to have a full lobby (10 players) within 10 minutes of starting the match for it to be hosted on a server, as opposed to being hosted via peer to peer. Once this feature has been deployed, you will only need two players in a Custom Match lobby to ensure that your match will be hosted on a dedicated server. By reducing the total number of players required to host a Custom Match on a dedicated server, it will open up more possibilities for an improved gaming experience, even when you don’t want to play a full 5v5 match.
- Another impact of the move to dedicated servers for Custom Matches is that player hosted online lobbies will no longer be available. For players to host a match alone, they will need to utilize the LAN mode.
Dedicated Servers for Terrorist Hunt
- Host migration in Terrorist Hunt is going to be a thing of the past. We will be hosting all Terrorist Hunt matches on dedicated servers starting in the near future. This will allow for a more stable experience for those of you who wish to take on the White Masks!
Dedicated Servers for In-Game Voice Chat With Vivox Integration (PC First)
- Communication between teammates in Rainbow Six is essential. With that in mind, we will be implementing an improved integrated voice chat service for all platforms that will be hosted on dedicated servers. Vivox will allow for more clear voice communication, all while using less total bandwidth. This new voice chat solution will provide all players with an ability to more clearly communicate with their teammates, especially after one of them Fuzes the hostage. We will be rolling this out to PC first, and console deployment later to ensure a high quality launch.
More Accurate Vaulting Animation While Aiming
- The animation for vaulting through a window while aiming has been tweaked to reflect where the vaulter is aiming. In the past, the aiming animation took a short amount of time to reflect where the vaulter was actually aiming, which sometimes cause some confusion for an enemy watching the vault. This change in 2.2.2 will fix this so that the enemy player will know where the vaulter is aiming.
Lucky Seventh: Elite Pulse Set
- Unlock the Luck Seventh elite bundle for Pulse on August 9th! This unique bundle introduces a head-to-toe customization that will make you really stand out in the winning screen. Purchasing the bundle unlocks the Oscillator weapon skin for the M1014, UMP45, 5.7 USG and M45 Meusoc along with Wavelength gadget skin for Pulse’s HB-5 Cardiac Sensor, Slick Victory Animation, Elite Pulse Chibi Charm, and Lucky Seventh Uniform.
- As a thank you for your continued support to Rainbow Six Siege and Operation Health, we are happy to administer the R6 Caduceus charm. Every player who has played Rainbow Six Siege from the start of Operation Health from May 23rd to the start of Season 3 in late August will receive this charm.
Exclusive Gift for Year 2 Season Pass Owners
- We appreciate your engagement to Rainbow Six Siege. As a thank you for your continued support as a Year 2 Pass owner, we are happy to offer you Doc’s Gauze headgear and the Mended weapon skin. This applies to all players who own the Year 2 Season Pass. If you purchase the Year 2 Pass at any point until it expires, you will still receive these two items.
Next up for Siege is Season 3, which will require a 15GB download on PS4 and Xbox One when it eventually launches (date TBA).
“With this new patch, we plan on resetting the foundation that future patches are built upon, and establishing the Y2S3.0 patch as the new baseline that we will update the game client from,” Ubisoft explained. “As a result of resetting the baseline, we must replace a significant number of the existing data forges. This is why the Y2S3.0 patch is as large as it is.”
On the plus side, the Season 3 update will reduce the size of future updates by up to 15%, and load times will be improved as well.
During Season 3, Ubisoft will upgrade the Rainbow Six Siege servers, remove Peer to Peer voice and party features, and add a LAN mode on PS4.
[Source: Rainbow Six Siege (1), (2), (3), Reddit (1), (2)]
video game cats
Best Video Game Cats
Big the Cat
There's not much positive I can write about Sonic Adventure, but Sonic's middling foray into 3D platforming did give us the greatest character in the franchise. I'm talking about Big the Cat, the lovable fishing feline. Who wouldn't like to relax with that giant furry creature?
Now, now. I don't want to hear any wisecracks about the quality of Bubsy's adventures. Sure, they might be garbage games, but bobcats need love too! Bubsy is just a good boy trying to find acceptance in a cruel world that puts out shovelware like Bubsy 3D.
Cait Sith
Sure, Cait Sith might be a robot of a cat riding a stuffed toy moogle, but it doesn't make the character any less lovable. The Final Fantasy VII character has one of the more interesting plot developments in the beloved RPG, and he's easily one of the best video game cats.
Not all cats have special powers like Gravity Rush's Dusty. This mysterious creature gave Kat the ability to manipulate gravity, and certainly deserves a good belly scratch for doing so.
I'm not quite sure if the Katz in Tales of Symphonia are cats or just furries, but either way I won't judge them. Either way, these cuties host searches and will give the player rewards for completing them.
King Tom
There are a lot of adorable creatures in Ni no Kuni (I mean, have you seen Drippy?), and "His Meowjesty" King Tom is no exception. He's the first monarch of the Other World that Oliver meets on his journey, and despite his early appearance, he's a fan favorite character.
Namco Bandai's Mappy might star a cute mouse cosplaying as a policeman, but he's going up against some dangerous cats. The boss cat is named Nyamco (Goro in North America), and while he might be a bad guy in the game, I'm sure he's still a very good boy.
Sure, Morgana can be annoying at times during Persona 5, but what other video game cat can turn into a bus? Exactly. Morgana is an awesome character, and he's one of the reasons why Atlus' latest RPG is so memorable.
Okay, so this game isn't actually out on PlayStation 4 and Vita yet, but everyone will be falling in love with Undertale's cast of characters very soon. Temmies are one of the game's cutest enemies, and they even run a shop that players can use. They're the only way the player can sell inventory, and are as helpful as they are adorable.
Toro and Kuro
The original PlayStation mascots Toro and Kuro might not be used as often, but they are still pretty adorable. They most recently found their way into PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale and Street Fighter X Tekken as playable characters.
This is a bonus entry since it's hard to classify the weird bird-dog-cat thing that Trico is. Either way, the star of The Last Guardian is one of the few video game creatures to feel truly alive. He may not always listen, but as Brenda Romero said "why don’t you try getting on a giant f**king dog and see how that works out for you."