Weighing in at 4.8GB on PlayStation 4, 5GB on Xbox One, and 4GB on PC, Battlefield 1 update 1.11 is now available to download.
Along with some tweaks and fixes, 1.11 adds Prise de Tahure, the second night map and the final map for the They Shall Not Pass expansion. You’ll need to own the Premium Pass or They Shall Not Pass to play on it, but if you don’t have either, it can be accessed via Premium Friends or Premium Trials (see below for details).
Here’s the full list of patch notes for today’s Battlefield 1 update:
Prise de Tahure
- Prise de Tahure is our second night map and the final map for Battlefield 1 They Shall Not Pass. French raiders and German stormtroopers clash in an urban trench setting as the nights grow colder in the Champagne-Ardennes region. The frontline trench networks cut right through several villages facing obliteration from the constant skirmishing between German and French troops. This content will be available for Battlefield 1 Premium Pass owners and owners of the They Shall Not Pass expansion pack. Non-Battlefield 1 Premium Pass owners will be able to access the content via Premium Friends or Premium Trials.
Premium Trials
- With this update, we’ve introduced Premium Trials. Premium Trials are timed events that allow non-Battlefield 1 Premium Pass owners to experience the maps of our fully released expansion packs before they buy. Sounds similar to Premium Friends, right? It’s the same feature, but without the need to party up with a Premium Pass owner. Earning XP, spawning in vehicles released in the expansion, and progression/unlocks will be restricted to Premium Pass owners.
Maps & Modes
- Soissons: Adjusted Flag D capture area in Frontlines to improve map balance.
- Nivelle Nights: Fixed a bug where the Out of Bounds grayscale screen-effect would sometimes fail to enable.
- Nivelle Nights: Fixed an issue where field kits in sector five in a Rush game could be used before the sector was active.
- Fort de Vaux: Players should no longer be able to get on top of the fort around the courtyard area.
Other Fixes
- Updated the Map Voting system to exclude the previous map (as well as the current map) from the random selection pool to prevent the possible A-B-A-B map play pattern.
- Game will now cancel matchmaking whenever backing out of the Operations globe screen. This to prevent a lingering blur state of the globe.
- Synchronized damage taken effect to the actual shooter networked state. Previously it lead to out of sync effects where the shooter was not yet visible.
- Fixed a rare client crash that could occur when a player joined late and a player just dropped/picked up a weapon.
- Fixed a disconnect issue that could occur when loading a map.
- Premium Friends – Non-Premium players’ score will now show 0 throughout the match on all Scoreboards and End-of-Round screens.
- Added new setting to allow for limited number of specific kits.
- Added setting for round time limit multiplier.
- Added setting for Unlimited Magazines.
- Countdown stops if players drop: Lowered the required player count for countdown to start game round to the minimum number of players required to finish a game if preround is enabled. The player count is unchanged if preround is disabled.
- Implemented a latency soft lock option where players with a ping higher than 100ms higher get kicked automatically.
- Fixed issue where the “Player-Created Content” option was grayed-out, unusable, and set to “Hide” after booting the title without a network connection.
- Fixed the wrong transport driver chase camera caption in the controls UI.
- The networking issues icons will not show up in Spectator Mode anymore.
Up next for Battlefield 1, you can expect the Lupkow Pass map in August and the In the Name of the Tsar expansion in September.
[Source: Battlefield, Reddit (1), (2), (3)]
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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
The best first-person shooter on the system, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is one of the few bright spots in Activision's series as of late. It features a fantastic campaign that tells a compelling story, and has frantic multiplayer. The additional movement is also fully fleshed out, not feeling tacked-on.
Dark Souls III
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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
Blizzard's Diablo III: Reaper of Souls was fantastic on PC, and managed to make the jump to consoles seamlessly. The loot grind is as satisfying as ever here, and cooperative play makes this really shine. You can even play with a friend locally.
Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition
Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition is another solid PC port. If you're a fan of computer RPGs then you'll find a lot to like in this modernized throwback. There's dozens of quests to do, and a huge map to explore. Throw in a huge amount of depth to the action, and you'll be set for weeks if not months.
DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition
DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition is one of the best character action games ever made. Running at a solid 60 frames-per-second, DmC features some of the most inventive level design in any game period. The action is intense, and amazing boss fights cap off this gem.
Dragon Age: Inquisition
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Fallout 4
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Far Cry 4
Much like Fallout 4, Far Cry 4 suffers from a sense of déjà vu. That said, once you get past the fact that you're basically playing Far Cry 3 in a slightly less interesting locale, there's still a lot to like. Taking over strongholds is just as fun as ever, and completionists will love finding all the secrets.
Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto V was one of the best games on PlayStation 3, and it's still one of the best titles on PS4. The latest entry in Rockstar's signature series features plenty of improvements on current hardware including better technical performance, and a first-person mode that changes the game significantly. It's worth picking up if you haven't played it before, or beat it on PS3.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Despite Konami's best efforts to annoy gamers with microtransactions, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is still one of the best games on the system. The Kojima directed stealth game finally reaches the high level of gameplay that the series has always aimed for, and feels like the true culmination of the series. While Metal Gear Solid might be over as we know it, it at least went out with an instant classic.
Mortal Kombat XL
The best fighting game on PS4, Mortal Kombat XL features all of MKX's DLC onto one disc. Additional characters such as the Predator and Triborg add a lot to the character roster. There's also a fantastic campaign, as Neversoft proves they're ahead of the rest of the genre in terms of single-player modes.
The Last of Us Remastered
Naughty Dog's The Last of Us Remastered is a true triumph in video game storytelling. Sure, there's plenty of action, but it's the slower moments that make The Last of Us something special. Rarely do you care for characters like you will for Joel and Ellie.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is one of the largest role-playing games ever made. It's not just empty land mass, though, as there's plenty of stuff to do. In fact, there's almost too much to do! If you're looking for a game to spend 100s of hours on, then The Witcher 3 is the best choice.