The Rocket League Anniversary Update is releasing at 3pm PT/6pm ET today for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, Psyonix has announced. To prep for the beginning of Competitive Season 5, Competitive Season 4 will end at around 2pm PT/5pm ET. Season 5 is expected to last for 3-4 months.
With the new Rocket League update, you’ll find the Champions Field arena, Rick and Morty customization items, the new Overdrive Crate, and everything else you see below:
- Free new arena – Bask in the electrified glow of Rocket League competition with the new stadium, Champions Field. This standard, modern-looking arena evokes a true sense of celebration. Look for Champions Field in Competitive, Casual, and Private matches.
- Free Rick & Morty Customization items distributed as Common drops after online and offline matches, including Rick and Morty Antennas, Cromulon, Mr. Meeseeks, and Mr. PBH Toppers, an Interdimensional GB Rocket Boost, and Sanchez DC-137 Wheels
- Rocket League Radio, which adds a new default music playlist Rocket League x Monstercat with 18 new tracks from EDM music label Monstercat
- New Import Battle-Cars Animus GP and Centio V17, available as drops inside the new ‘Overdrive Crate’
- New Overdrive Crate with the potential to unlock animated decals, brand-new trails, and more
- New customization options like Engine Audio, Goal Explosions, and Trails that are a mix of free selections and Crate drops
- End to Competitive Season 4 and Trail rewards distributed to competing players based on their highest skill tier reached
- Beginning of Competitive Season 5 with new changes
- and more!
The update will also add these six new Trophies/Achievements:
- Storm Trooper – Equip a Very Rare Item and complete a game in an Arena with turbulent weather.
- Good Times – Head to Champions Field and complete an Online game
- Swap Meet – Trade and receive one or more items with another player in a single transaction
- Trade Secret – Trade In five items of the same quality to receive an item of the next-highest quality
- Rank Up – Complete all placement matches in any Competitive Playlist
- Coming On Strong – Score or Assist a combined 30 goals or assists in Casual or Competitive Online matches
If you don’t own Rocket League yet, a special sale has started on the PlayStation Store that sees the game discounted by 50% to $9.99 USD, the Game of the Year Edition discounted by 50% to $12.49 USD, and most of the DLC discounted by 40%. The sale ends on July 19.
Rocket League will officially celebrate its 2nd birthday on July 7, and you can expect to see some game statistics tomorrow in honor of it.
So far, Rocket League has seen more than 33 million players across all platforms. In terms of copies sold, it was at 10.5 million in March.
[Source: Rocket League (1), (2), (3)]
Now Loading...What's Your Pick for GoTY 2017 So Far?
Now Loading...What's Your Pick for GoTY 2017 So Far?
Tyler Treese
In a year filled with great games, NieR: Automata easily rests above the pack. It's a brilliant title that uses the medium of gaming to its fullest.
Cameron Teague
Persona 5 easily, though I did really enjoy NieR.
Zarmena Khan
This is SO tough but I'm going to have to go with Horizon Zero Dawn followed very, very closely by Yakuza 0. Persona 5 is a very solid game too, only slightly edged out by Yakuza because I preferred the story in that one and Persona got a tad repetitive towards the end. Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to play NieR: Automata yet but I think it's safe to say that the first six months of 2017 have seen some outstanding releases.
Stephen Bitto
Horizon Zero Dawn for me but NieR: Automata is a close, close second!
Paulmichael Contreras
Horizon Zero Dawn. Still need to 100% that game, one of the few games that has me feeling like I need to see everything that it has to offer.
Alex Co
Definitely Horizon Zero Dawn for me. Not only is it a new IP, but who'd have ever guessed Guerrilla could pull this off? It's so good that I wouldn't be surprised if we don't hear about Killzone for a long time.
It's open world, but it doesn't force you to do open world stuff. Story is fine, gameplay is kind of unique that it doesn't have you using guns, and robo-dinosaurs! Man, I can't believe no one capitalized on it like Guerrilla has!
As someone who doesn't like open-world games, it's a testament to Guerrilla's amazing game design, audio and video presentation, and just overall feel of the Horizon Zero Dawn that it has me hooked.Chalk Horizon up as a stable franchise added to Sony's impressive first-party line up. -
Chandler Wood
It has to be Persona 5. That game is so incredibly well put together. It's got a panache and style that few games can match, with a 100 hour playtime that barely slows down at all throughout.
Michael Briers
Purely because I've yet to start Persona 5, I'll give this one to Horizon Zero Dawn with Resident Evil 7 coming in at a very, very close second.
Heath Hindman
Overall GotY so far? Zelda.If we're sticking to PlayStation? Nier was among my favorites of the last gen, so I *think* I should be picking Automata, but have to confess it's still on the shelf for now. That said, hey, I get to cheat because NA just got Yakuza 0. I'll pick that!
What a year for PlayStation! Big exclusives hitting hard at such a crucial time is great to see!
For me, Horizon Zero Dawn and Persona 5 are pretty evenly matched, but for very different reasons. At this time, I'm leaning towards the latter as my choice for Game of The Year. I rarely invest a hundred hours into a single-player game, and yet Persona 5 drove me to keep on playing. It never felt like a drag, either. I was thoroughly entertained and intrigued the entire time. (Also, best girl Makoto > Aloy.)
I'm about to play Nier, so that could shake things up even further...