“Focused all around your feedback on gameplay,” NBA 2K17 update 12 is now live on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. According to players, you can expect a download size of about 7.6GB on PS4.
Here’s the full list of patch notes:
- Improvements to double team logic for more appropriate rotations and to prevent help defenders from leaving their assignments.
- Enhanced several dribble size-up combos to make them more responsive when chaining moves together.
- Improved logic for off-ball collisions to prevent excessive bumping, resulting in a smoother offensive flow.
- Removed select dribbler collision reactions that would slow down the ball handler when contact was made from behind.
- Offensive AI enhancements for better decision making when countering double teams.
- Fixed an issue that would allow you to travel if rapidly chaining together certain rhythm dribble animations.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing some players from signing a 10-day contract in MyGM/MyLEAGUE.
NBA 2K18 releases in fall 2017 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch, PC, and iOS/Android.
[Source: NBA 2K (Facebook, Twitter), Reddit (1), (2)]
10 Games That Are Scary For the Wrong Reasons
10 Games That Are Scary for the Wrong Reasons
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Gearbox was too busy using SEGA's funds on Borderlands 2 to make a solid game in Aliens: Colonial Marines. This train wreck of a game is filled with glitches, poor artificial intelligence, and the terrifying revelation that you spent your money on this garbage.
Assassin's Creed Unity
While not everyone encountered the terrifying glitches in Assassin's Creed Unity, the unlucky ones that did couldn't stop talking about it. And who could blame them? They wanted to play a fun game about murdering fools, and instead got traumatized by broken character models that were missing faces.
Bubsy 3D
Bubsy 3D has only gotten more infamous as time has passed (largely thanks to Arcane Kids). This terribly designed 3D platformer plays and looks like someone pulled out the disc while the PlayStation was running. It's hard to believe that the developer would later go on to make Syphon Filter (although the running animation is equally terrifying).
The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct
Surely a game based off AMC's hit TV show, The Walking Dead, would be based off the inner tension between survivors and what made the show good for one whole season. Well, guess again, as The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct is rubbish printed on a Blu-ray disc.
Duke Nukem Forever
Duke Nukem Forever was like the time that you realized that your uncle, who you thought was totally cool when you were 12, never grew up, and was actually lame. Both the characters, and the gameplay, found in Duke Nukem Forever should've stayed in the 90s. Some memories are best kept repressed.
Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust
Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust features some of the scariest character models ever made. We're not even sure who mapped these characters, but none of them look remotely human. Throw in gameplay that is somehow worse than the combat that Silent Hill attempts to incorporate, and you have one hideous mess of a game.
Ride to Hell: Retribution
Oh, Ride to Hell: Retribution. The Deep Silver published action game is in some ways an avant-garde classic. Few publishers try something as risky as releasing a game that is completely broken, after all. If you do attempt to play through this game, you can look forward to some pretty spectacular jump scares. All of which find you falling through the world as the graphics suddenly disappear in front of your eyes.
Sonic the Hedgehog
I still can't believe that Sega chose to turn a story that was suspiciously similar to my Sonic fan-fiction into a full video game in 2006. While the game was full of glitches, the most scary part of the game ended up being a romantic scene. The interspecies erotica between Sonic and Princess Elise shouldn't be viewed by anyone, and still gives gamers nightmares to this day.
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5
The most recent release featured on the list is certainly a sad one. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 should've been a triumphant moment, instead gamers got to see Lil' Wayne glitch in and out of levels, and other bizarre occurrences that seem straight out of Paranormal Activity.
NBA Elite 11
While all the other games on this list were poorly made, they at least saw a release. NBA Elite 11 on the other hand got cancelled AFTER the game had already been printed onto discs. The shocking cancellation was due to the disturbing glitch where the Lakers' Andrew Bynum would act as if he was crucified at mid-court. Some say that Bynum's ghost still haunts the Staples Center.