Released yesterday, the latest Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare update for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One fixed some bugs, made some balance changes, and added the R-VN, UDM, and Axe to Epic Gun Game.
Here’s the full list of changes:
General Changes
- Added the R-VN, UDM, and Axe in Epic Gun Game
- Type-2 (AR mode) – Slight increase to the fire rate and a decrease to ADS recoil
- Type-2 – Slight increase to hip fire spread when in akimbo mode
- Volk – Increase to the 3 bullet hit kill range
- Titan – Slightly increase to the fire rate and an increase to the 4 bullet hit kill range
- KBAR – Slightly decrease to the 4 bullet hit kill range
- NV4 – Slightly increase to the ADS recoil
- R-VN – Increase to the 3 bullet hit kill range
- Widowmaker – Reduced delay between bullets within the burst
- DMR – Slight decrease to the ADS time
- EBR-800 (AR mode) – Increase to the 5 bullet hit kill range
- EBR-800 (Sniper mode) – Reduce ADS sway speed
- Howitzer changes – Explosion radius increased. Explosion damage more consistent. Damage to scorestreaks increased. VFX updated to better represent the explosion radius. Fixed a bug where the projectile would play an explosion VFX without doing any damage. Fix a bug where the projectile could still explode after bouncing off a surface
- Steel Dragon – Reduced sprint out to fire time
- Added the R-VN and UDM to regular Gun Game
- Taunt combo system added to the Winner’s Circle
General Fixes
- Various map fixes
- On occasion, players who have the R-VN, Axe, or UDM in a loadout would no longer
have access to the weapons if a host migration occurs. This has been fixed.- Fix for an issue where Season Pass holders on Xbox One were not able to download Sabotage DLC from in-game
- Fix for the Epic UDM doing too much damage in TTDM. This now matches the same damage rules as sniper rifles in TTDM.
- Fix for some users receiving the ‘weapon_graitonsuper_wm’ error after the last update
- Fix for the Axe camo challenges not tracking progress
- Fix for an issue where it would take 6 shots to a player with a Blast Shield with the Howitzer in Hardcore
- Uplink: Fixed an issue in Overtime where the goal VFX and team score would increment even though the scoring team lost the second round of overtime
- Fix for the Sage Phantom head not appearing correctly when viewing in 3rd person
Running from today at 10am PT until Friday, March 17, the Drop Zone playlist returns to Infinite Warfare.
If you want to play Infinite Warfare without spending any money, the Free Trial is now live on PS4 and Xbox One, weighing in at about 65GB. As Activision adds, “There is currently no end date to the Free Trial,” and “all progress and experience that you earn in the Trial will carry over if you choose to purchase any version of the full game.”
In other Call of Duty news, it was announced this week that Modern Warfare Remastered is getting the Variety Map Pack on March 21 for $15.
[Source: Reddit, Activision Support, Call of Duty]
PS4 Open World Games
15 PS4 Open World Games You Need to Play
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is one of the most massive RPGs ever made. It is easy to get lost in its open world full of side quests. If you're looking for one game to spend hundreds of hours on then this is it.
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
One of the biggest surprises of 2014 was Monolith Production's Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. Not only did it bring Mordor to life, it managed to be one of the most fun open world games to play thanks to its fantastic Nemesis system. Shadow of Mordor may end up changing how open world games are made forever.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Kojima Productions' Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain did not disappoint. In fact, moving to an open world seems to have only helped the game. Stealth has never felt this good, and the ability to take down enemies from any direction is incredibly freeing.
Batman: Arkham Knight
Batman: Arkham Knight is the conclusion of the Arkham trilogy, and thankfully Rocksteady went out with a bang. This visual showpiece is a must play for fans of the caped crusader.
Far Cry 4
Despite feeling a little bit too familiar, Far Cry 4 is still an excellent game. The shooting is still top notch, and the new land of Kyrat is a blast to explore.
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected is the best way to experience Volition's latest game on a console. It is easily the most absurd, and ridiculous open world game on the market. Get ready to use your superpowers all across Steelport.
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection
If you are looking for a shooter to play with friends, then look no further than Borderlands: The Handsome Collection. This compilation includes two great first-person shooters that will allow players to explore both Pandora and the moon!
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Bioware's Dragon Age: Inquisition is absolutely massive. In fact, several players never ventured out of the first area of the game due to how many quest lines there are! If you do go on an inquisition outside of the first area, there is an amazing open world to explore and wonderful characters to meet.
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
If you have ever wanted to sing sea shanties while sailing across beautiful seas then you need to play Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. Even if you are not a fan of Ubisoft's stealth series, there is so much fun to be had in just living the life of a pirate.
Grow Home
Ubisoft's Grow Home is a the most cheery open world game on the market. Bud's adventure is a pure joy to go on, and since it is free on PlayStation Plus this month there is no reason not to!
Grand Theft Auto V
Rockstar is perhaps the king of open world games and Grand Theft Auto V shows why. Not only is the game the evolution of the gameplay that popularized the genre, but it adds a ton of new twists, thanks to features such as being able to play it in first-person. You can even go on heists with friends thanks to its online mode.
Watch Dogs
While it may have been a disappointment to some, Watch Dogs is still pretty fun to play. Hacking the environment in real-time is still incredibly innovative. As long as you have your expectations in check, you should be able to have a blast in what is the framework for what could become something really special in a sequel.
inFAMOUS Second Son
One of Sony's first major titles for PlayStation 4 is still one of its best. inFAMOUS Second Son takes the series in an interesting new direction with new abilities, a new protagonist and a gorgeous city to explore. Delsin's growth as a character is one of the most interesting parts of this open world gem.
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
Very few games take place in Hong Kong, but Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition is a good argument to why there should be more. The vibrant city is the star of Sleeping Dogs and it is brought to life in Square Enix's open world undercover game. Throw in some of the best melee combat in any game, period, and you have quite an enjoyable game to play!
Dying Light
Techland's latest zombie killing game, Dying Light, combines the fun gameplay of Dead Island and combines it with parkour action. If you are not sick of killing zombies already (and we understand if you are), then Dying Light is worth checking out.