Released yesterday on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, Overwatch update 2.05 (aka Patch 1.8.0) brought the Game Browser, made Capture the Flag an ongoing mode in the Arcade, and improved some of the heroes.
After downloading the update, PS4 players noticed numerous issues with Capture the Flag, as well as an issue that prevented them from changing the title of their lobbies. In response to the lobbies problem, Game Director Jeff Kaplan said, “PC and Xbox can name their lobbies. PlayStation has some different policies. We’re working on a way to enable this on PlayStation that doesn’t violate their policy.”
Here’s a look at some of the patch notes for yesterday’s Overwatch update:
New Feature: Game Browser
- Starting today, every player can create their own, unique Overwatch experience and share it with their friends, teammates, or the entire world. Introducing the Game Browser.
- An extension of Overwatch’s Custom Game mode, the Game Browser allows you to adjust the settings on various maps, modes, and heroes to create your own tailor-made match. For example, if you want to increase the speed of Pharah’s rockets or remove the cooldown from McCree’s Combat Roll, the power is yours. Once you’re happy with your settings, and you’re ready to launch your game, you’ll need to set up permissions. You can limit the people who can join your game by toggling the “Friends Only” or “Invite Only” options, but if you want to put your strange creation to a real test, set your server to “Public” and click the launch button.
New Mode: Capture the Flag
- Capture the Rooster has been, without a doubt, Overwatch’s most popular brawl. We don’t want the excitement to end, so we’re bringing Capture the Flag to the Arcade as an ongoing game mode. Starting today, we’re adding Capture the Flag versions of Nepal, Lijiang Tower, Ilios, and Oasis, which gives you 12 maps to try when creating a Custom Game.
Hero Updates
- New Hero Option: Nano Boost Sensitivity – Allows players to adjust Nano Boost’s targeting sensitivity
Configuration: Sentry
- Reconfiguration time decreased from 1.5 seconds to 1.0 second
- Bullet spread increased by 50%
- Bullet spread is always at maximum (it no longer increases as the weapon is fired)
- Magazine size increased from 200 to 300
- No longer deals critical damage
Configuration: Recon
- Bullet spread decreased by 25%
- Magazine size increased from 20 to 25
- Can now be used while moving
- Now bound to secondary fire (formerly Ability 2)
- No longer interrupted by taking damage
- A new resource meter has been added that depletes while Self-Repair is active and recharges when not in use
Configuration: Tank
- No longer grants bonus armor
New Passive Ability: Ironclad
- Bastion takes 35% less damage while in Configuration: Sentry or Tank
- Defense Matrix – Enemy shots no longer need to travel a minimum distance before they can be blocked
- Cryo-Freeze – Mei can now be targeted by allies while in Cryo-Freeze
- Resurrect – While performing a resurrection, Mercy now becomes temporarily invulnerable along with the allies being revived
- Caduceus Staff – Zenyatta can no longer be targeted when Transcendence is active
- New Hero Option: Guardian Angel Sensitivity – Allows players to adjust Guardian Angel’s targeting sensitivity
- New Hero Option: Beam Sensitivity – Allows players to adjust targeting sensitivity on Mercy’s Caduceus Staff beams
- Scrap Gun – Spread decreased by 20%
- Chain Hook – Targets are now pulled to a location 3.5 meters away, up from 2 meters; Cooldown increased from 6 to 8
- New Hero Option: Hack Sensitivity – Allows players to adjust the targeting sensitivity on Sombra’s Hack ability
- Sentry Turret – [CONSOLE] Damage per second increased from 21 to 25.5
- Rivet Gun – Ammo is now loaded earlier in the reload animation
- Build Turret – [CONSOLE] Damage increased from 10 to 12
- New Hero Option: Grappling Hook Sensitivity – Allows players to adjust Grappling Hook’s targeting sensitivity
- Critical hit volume reduced by 15%
- New Hero Option: Projected Barrier Sensitivity – Allows players to adjust Projected Barrier’s targeting sensitivity
- New Hero Option: Harmony Orb Sensitivity – Allows players to adjust Harmony Orb’s targeting sensitivity
- New Hero Option: Discord Orb Sensitivity – Allows players to adjust Discord Orb’s targeting sensitivity
Map Balance Changes
Respawn Delay
- When attackers outnumber defenders while taking a control point on Assault, Escort and Assault/Escort maps, the defenders’ respawn time will slowly increase until it hits a maximum value or the defense manages to gain the upper hand.
- A second gate no longer closes after the payload passes through the castle doors. Instead, rubble from the damaged doorway partially blocks the entrance.
Blizzard adds that they’re “just getting started” with the Game Browser, and the team is working on new features and options. One of the features they want to add is the ability to save your settings for custom games.
Also live in Overwatch is Season 4 of Competitive Play. One of the changes this season is that players with a skill rating above 3000 must complete at least seven games per week. Additionally, only those who reach the top 500 leaderboard will be rewarded at the end of the season, and skill ratings below 500 will no longer be displayed.
[Source: Overwatch (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), Reddit (1), (2), (3),]
10 2016 PS4 Games You Overlooked
2016 PS4 Games You Overlooked
Action Henk
Action Henk takes the time trial fun of Trials, but replaces motorcycles with an out-of-shape action hero. Perfect for speedrunners, this platformer's addictive nature will have players repeatedly playing stages in order to shave precious seconds off of their time. It's a blast, and really opens up once the grappling hook is introduced.
Assault Android Cactus
This year's best twin-stick shooter wasn't a hyped release like Alienation, as indie standout Assault Android Cactus stole the show. This highly challenging title features co-op fun, and is best played with friends, but can also be completed solo. A colorful cast of characters, each with their own abilities, helps the game stay fresh from beginning to end.
Carnival Games VR
It's easy to dismiss Carnival Games VR. After all, the series didn't have a great reputation on the Wii, but it delivers good fun on PlayStation VR. It doesn't provide a ton of depth as it instead opts to provide plenty of light-hearted fun, but sometimes that is exactly what is needed.
Grand Kingdom
Role-playing games are looking to shine in 2017, but 2016 had quite a few good ones as well. One of which was Monochrome Corporation's Grand Kingdom, a turn-based title where positioning is key.It also has a unique focus on multiplayer, which is rarely explored in the genre. It's also available on Vita, if you prefer to play on the go.
Night School Studio's Oxenfree was one of the year's best surprises. Composed of former Telltale staff, the studio managed to implement some of the most impressive interactive dialogue that has been seen in gaming. Oxenfree isn't just a technical feat, though, as it also tells a spooky story that will leave you thinking after the credits roll.
Salt and Sanctuary
If Dark Souls III didn't leave you fully satisfied, then you should give Ska Studios' Salt and Sanctuary a try. This 2D take on FromSoftware's Souls series provides a highly rewarding experience. It even features local multiplayer, in case you want to go on a journey with a friend.
Soft Body
Zeke Virant's Soft Body is one of the coolest games released in 2016. The inventive action game has the player controlling two characters at once (a ghost and soft body). The game starts off simple, but after a few levels the game's iterative design starts to shine. Mechanics build upon each other, and it becomes a highly difficult & beautiful game. It's a must-play for people looking for something new or are fans of bullet hell titles.
Tharsis is basically Yahtzee set in space, except a bad dice roll might result in the deaths of your entire spaceship crew. This game is all about management and making difficult decisions, as players have to manage stress levels after a ship gets critically damaged. Only talented players will be able to survive, and the game deals with some brilliant themes.
Canadian developer Blue Isle Studios has improved a lot since they released Slender: The Arrival. Their second major release, Valley, is a first-person adventure game that has players using a "L.E.A.F. suit" to jump through the air. It looks gorgeous, and has an interesting story to discover.
Videoball is a game filled with much more depth than immediately meets the eye. Underneath its minimalistic aesthetic hides a highly complex, yet easy to pick-up, competitive multiplayer title. A mixture between air hockey and soccer, the game is some of the best fun players can have with friends, both online or locally.