The full list of patch notes can be seen below:
Featured Content and What’s New
- Lobby Party Indicator
- Showing team balance in pre-match lobby
- Combat Record
General Fixes
- General fixes for bugs found in Leaderboards
- Drop Zone: Score limit increase from 600 to 750. Adjustments to hill rotations. Removed high tier streaks from the first hill to prevent an unfair advantage at the beginning of the match. All hills after the first have a chance at all streaks regardless of tier
- Infected and Gun Game: Allow for player customization. Infected will still replace Synaptics with a random default customization. Infected now increase match timer on Survivor suicides
- Slight decrease to the Vulture’s overall speed and acceleration. Slight decrease in damage of the Vulture’s turret
- Fixed crashes and performance issues that could occur when viewing videos in MLG.tv
- MLG.tv will now show if a livestream is a replay
- Fixed green screen that would sometimes appear when exiting the MLG.tv menu
- Fixed players knees clipping into player view if they sprinted while jumping from boost jump height
- Uplink fix where players could pass the drone through ha short wall in Terminal
- Fixed a scrolling issue while in the armory
- A player with the Tracker perk equipped was unable to hear another player boost jumping with the Dead Silence perk equipped. This has been fixed
- Removed showing the public rank in private or system link pause menus
- Fixed Steel Dragon damaging a player with Charge Shield
- Fixed a bug where incorrect information about a player could be displayed in the MP lobby
- Fixed damage feedback icon for not displaying the first time in a round
- Fixes for players losing their weapons when Pack-a-Punching (ZiS)
- Several out of map exploits fixed (Rave)
- Fix for being able to replenish ammo after putting the harpoon back in the cabinet and picking it up back up
- Fix for random dancing zombies that could remain after the music has stopped
- Fix for various zip line bugs that could occur
- Fix for a bug where splitscreen players didn’t have access to options in several menus
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes
- Added an option for players to select how much time they’ll allow for players to edit their loadouts in Rig draft from 0-75 seconds
- Fix for yellow loading icons appearing during CODCaster mode
- Players were able to start a CWL match with 5 players on a team, but only showing 4 on the draft screen. This has been fixed to only allow 4 players maximum while allowing 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4
- Fix for a bug where a player would see incorrect text when hovering over a Rig that another player has already selected
- If a player changes their Rig after selecting their Payloads, the CODCaster would only see the updated Rig, not the updated Payloads. This has been fixed
- Fix for teams appearing on the wrong side of the loading screen if teams were unbalanced
Original Story:
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare update 1.09 is now live on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and a new update is live on PC, players have revealed. According to reports, the download size is around 2.7GB on console and 6.6GB on PC.
The Reddit patch notes thread and Activision’s Support website haven’t updated yet, but a player on Reddit listed the new weapons:
- R3K – Serpent – Common – Creeper.
- Erad – Scalpel – Rare – Head Rush & Everlast(Rapidly generates energy ammo, even when stored) .
- Mauler – Ballast – Common – Stability.
- EBR-800 – Metronome – Legendary – Dynamic(Kills in alternating modes grant bonus score) & Everlast.
- Reaver – Toro – Rare – Trample(Double kills grant a large bonus to payload meter) & Stockpile.
- Banshee – Icarus – Rare – Talon(Kills while airborne grant a small bonus to your payload meter) & Everlast.
- EMC – Champ – Legendary – One-Two(Melee kills grant a large bonus to your payload meter) & Lights Out.
- Oni – Bulwark – Common – Stockpile.
- Hailstorm – Culling – Legendary – Nuclear & Focus.
The diamond camo was also updated today:
@charlieINTEL New Diamond Camo pic.twitter.com/0AzpR6Ukgi
— I AM MELLO (@IamMelloPlays) February 14, 2017
Did you notice any other changes after installing update 1.09?
[Source: Reddit (1), (2), (3), (4), MrTheRevertz, Charlie Intel]
10 Game Mechanics That Need to Evolve (or Die)
10 Game Mechanics That Need to Evolve (or Die)
Recommendation: Banish them entirely. Use contextual in-game scenarios to showcase more complex tasks. Let players play! They'll figure it out or teach one another.
Item Pickups
Recommendation: Small, manageable inventories are great. Don't design quests and games that require the player to have 37 pinecones on hand just in case.
Fetch Quests
Recommendation: Provide a main quest that is so expansive and diverse it allows for organic tangents that feel important. Fetch quests are artificial bulk. Get rid of them. Invest the time in a main quest that satisfies for 40+ hours instead and my time will feel valued.
Inventory Systems
Recommendation: It doesn’t take a lot of effort to find creative ways for game worlds to make sense. In The Witcher 3's case, why not add an option for the banks in Novigrad to not only exchange currency, but allow you store items in safety deposit boxes?
Recommendation: Allow for maps in towns. Outside of that, no map, no icons, until you explore the area. Create a world that can help players find their way intuitively without a map using landmarks, signposts, and NPCs that can offer more than grunts and stock expressions.
Recommendation: If games insist on traditional save/load mechanics, integrate it into the control scheme. Here’s a freebie, double-tap the touchpad to save, hold it to load. I’m positive that will lead to absolutely zero accidental saves...
Character Momentum
Recommendation: Just pay Naughty Dog for their player momentum algorithms and be done with it.
Fast Travel
Recommendation: All killer, no filler. Don’t make me backtrack unnecessarily. Use fast travel any time it keeps a player’s progress moving forward and avoid ever making a player move backward.
Weapon Types
Recommendation: Have fun with weapon types. If you must have an axe and a sword, make them play differently. Not just heavy swing vs light swing, let it impact the way a character is responded to, let it affect the way a character develops, etc. If your game can’t include explosive teddy bears, then do some research to find the medieval equivalent to one (there totally is one).
Dialog Options
Recommendation: Player choice will grow and become more complex as technology (and budgets) advance. But if a game cannot (or does not) provide the foundation for meaningful dialog options, don’t include it. It weakens your story and insults the player.