Did you get your horror game fix in August? We know we did! However, there were a few other games that released in August that are worthy of targeting the crown. Which of the games that released in August are must plays, and which one achieved our August 2015 Game of the Month? Find out in the gallery below!
Reader’s Choice
Now that we’ve had our say in the Game of the Month, we want to give you a chance to vote in our reader’s choice poll. Will your choice match up with the staff’s decision? Decide which game you thought was top in August by voting for your favorite below.
We're pretty much in agreement that Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will win Game of the Month for September, right? But perhaps there's something else that comes out in September that could give it a run for it's Fulton extracted money? Be sure to check back at the beginning of October to see who won our September Game of the Month (in a new video format!), and vote for the reader's choice winner.
Note that scores do not necessarily guarantee a nominee or a winner, as different reviewers may give differing opinions. Nominees and winners are chosen via a discussion among the entire PSLS staff.
August 2015 Game of the Month
August 2015 Must-Play Gallery
Here are the games we think you should be playing from August.
Dishonored Definitive Edition
It may not change much from the original game, but it didn't have to. Bethesda's stealth masterpiece is now available on the current generation of consoles, so there's no excuse for gamers not to get their hands on it.
Actual Sunlight
Dealing with heavy and mature topics like depression and anxiety, Actual Sunlight is a deep dive into the psyche and exploring the depths of our minds, rather than the typical power fantasy that other games offer.
Toy Soldiers: War Chest
A fun tower defense styled game with plenty of fan service? What's not to love? It may not be our pick this month, but we feel like you ought to be playing it anyway.
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
What some may call a walking simulator, we call a brilliant work of art, changing the dynamic for the way that story is told in games.
Tales From the Borderlands Episode 4
Escape Plan Bravo is not only the best episode of this series, but perhaps the best episode that Telltale has ever made. It's leading into the finale of the season and does a lot right, especially after a faltering third episode.
The August 2015 Game of the Month is...
This one's going to be a jump scare!
Until Dawn
An awesome adventure exploring every aspect of horror movies that you've come to love (or hate) and you get to be in control of the characters' lives the entire ride? Great acting and awesome graphics top off this Game of the Month winner.