Ubisoft Sees 27% Earnings Boost, Attributes Success to Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

Ubisoft saw an encouraging bump in sales during the first quarter of its 2012-2013 fiscal year. According to an official report from the publisher, the surge in earnings is primarily due to the success of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier.

Last year’s Q1 revenues clocked in at $126.3 million, while this year, Ubisoft managed to rake in $160.6 million over the same period. Not only that, but the publisher saw a massive increase in their online market, with an impressive jump of 112% in this particular sector. On the other hand, the company didn’t do quite as well with regards to their back-catalog, with a shocking 41% decline in sales.

Nevertheless, it doesn’t look like things will be slowing down for Ubisoft, with some heavy-hitting titles slated for release in the coming months. From the much anticipated Assassin’s Creed III to Far Cry 3, there’s a lot of great content for PlayStation owners to get excited about from the company.

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