Silent Hill HD Patch Now Live, Remedies Various Technical Issues

Konami has just released a patch that fixes a number of issues that players have been having with the Silent Hill HD Collection.

The game’s frustrating frame-rate and spotty audio have been fixed, along with a number of other tweaks including the pesky issue of fog density. For the full rundown on exactly what the patch does, check out the list of updates below.

  • Improved Framerate
  • Voice Synch is greatly improved
  • Missing sounds have been fixed
  • Missing music has been addressed
  • Fog density issues are resolved
  • Other minor visual/audio improvements
If you’re wondering why the game was such a buggy mess at launch, Konami lost the original code for both Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3, leaving the team with no choice but to work with the incomplete code they had at the time. At least they’ve been able to remedy all of the issues with this latest patch.


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