Bethesda Reveals Full Dishonored E3 Demonstration, Footage Inside

Arkane Studios knocked everyone’s socks off at E3 with a mind-blowing demo of their upcoming first-person action game Dishonored. Fortunately for you, Bethesda has finally pulled back the curtain on the drool-inducing gameplay footage.

The videos below show two completely different playthroughs of the exact same level called The Golden Cat. Watch below, as co-creative directors Raphael Colantonio and Harvey Smith walk you through this mission using two different tactics. You’ll notice that the first clip features a stealthy approach, while the second is a bit more, shall we say, direct.

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It’s clear there are going to be a number of ways to tackle each mission throughout the campaign of Dishonored, which will certainly appeal to the creative gaming crowd. Let us know what you think of Arkane Studio’s emphasis on player choice in the comments below.

Dishonored is scheduled to hit retailers this October.

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