The Last Guardian to “Ship When It’s Absolutely Ready”

The Last Guardian‘s absence during E3 2012 left many wondering if the title would ever see the light of day – at least on the PlayStation 3. As ever, Sony Worldwide president Shuhei Yoshida reassured fans that the game is still in development, but has been experiencing “technical difficulties”. Another executive of the firm’s gaming division has now further reassured that Team Ico’s next title will eventually see a release, but only when it’s “absolutely ready”.

PlayStation software development head Scott Rohde stressed to GameSpot:

I will not give you a detailed update, but I will say one thing and it goes back to innovation and to gamers and to quality. [The Last Guardian] is going to ship when it’s absolutely ready. It’s going to ship at sometime, and it’s going to ship when it’s ready. And I think that’s a really important thing to remember, is that it would be very easy to ship a game when it’s not quite ready because we need to meet a business plan.

He added that while the long-awaited update on the game will come, the game will only be commented on when Sony is ready to openly discuss the PlayStation 3 exclusive:

Gamers are first, and the experiences we provide are first. And that’s why we’re gonna talk about that game when we’re ready to talk about it.

The Last Guardian’s problems became apparent when lead designer, Fumito Ueda, left Sony last year. We could only presume the title would have been done by now if he stayed on as a full employee (he’s currently contributing to the title in a freelance capacity), so it’s anyone’s guess when Sony could eventually release the game.

When do you think The Last Guardian will launch? Share your predictions via the comment section below.

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